Diary, May 26-June 1, 1918 May 26 Sun. We did our washing this morning. The dirgibles do patroll duty around here and have a hangar close - just east of here about a mile. many more troops are coming in.
May 27 Mon. drilled in a little town north [of] here a few killometer[s] this morning. nothing new.
May 28 Tue - on maneuver this afternoon. Rod & I had a good time - French wine is not so damned bad afterall. Had, for the first time in all my life - all of my hair cut off. Rather cool - other wise fine.
May 29 - Hiked to warf to our Barrack bags and got our hob nail shoes. Jove it sure felt fine to have them on their rough stone roads. This afternoon had my first bath in France. in a little stream fed by a spring - grassy on both sides 6 or 8 in. wide - washed down to our belts and when all were thru took off rest of clothes and washed rest of body. I shaved too - Stream runs by a road that is not used very much. I feel fine after cleaning up once.
May 30 Thur - Decoration day. I am in charge of quarters today. Every thing went fine. Co. fell in for a speaking by gen. Hill this afternoon. Had lots to eat today. wrote letter to Maude today. No drilling or hike.
May 31 Fri. - This morning I went with detail to draw rations at the old garrison where Napoleon drew rations and was quartered for some time during his reign. Certainly is an ancient piece of architecture. With a few exceptions it is just the same as it was then. The big wall all around the place and the gates and barracks are all just as they were then. The hospital there is being used and there are any number of nurses there. a few modern improvements have been put in there and the U.S. flag is flying from the flagpole. started studying French from Big[ ]ni.
June 1 - Sat. Went on long hike south and west of here - went thru 2 small towns and saw some very beautiful pieces of country. Each little town had a heavy wall around it. little settlements in the farm lands had small walls & the houses were from 12 to 16 in. thick - fences solid masonry and all very good breast works. would be very difficult territory for enemy to advance over.