Diary, June 16-22, 1918 June 16 Sun Had some good wine; got 4 letters from home - doctored
June 17-Mon. Signal went on detail- runner system. was at Brig.
Hdq this afternoon. a french Chaiser went over at about 150 miles
per hour - she sure was hell bent on election. fine supper to
June 18 Tue. fell in this morn. for a maneuver of Division- moved
continualy from 7 am until 2:30 pm- with nothing to eat but piece
of Bread & butter for breakfast. My feet were so sore I nearly had
to drag myself in. I dont know how many kilos we did cover. Had
very good supper.
June 19 Wed - This morning we went to [w]eincourt for our gas
masks. got instructions from English officer. Marched on a
National road - trees on both sides - forms a canopy and trees are
12 paces apart. this evening went for more instruction in real
June 20 Thur- Sgt. Center taken to Hospital. Has scarlet fever- we
are quaranteened.
June 21 Fri- 8:30 ready to leave for the front. got to Yaucourt at
3:30 all in. no blisters on this trip. went up a hill a mile long
or more. Marched 12 1/2 miles. 50 fell out of Hdq. co.
June 22 Sat- up at 530- pack rolled- slept in a barn on clover
hay- best bed Ive had since I got to france. 8:30 starting - This
was a day to be remembered. They could have knocked me off today &
I would not have cared. 18 miles we went - the place we landed at
is Garenflos. Billited in Chateau grounds. Beautiful place. Within
2 miles of the place I tumbled out. The last 5 min. I went I could
not see - so I just flopped. my equipment was loaded on a wagon
and I got in by holding on to the back of the wagon. my feet are
plumb flat. we got in about 5 oc. My lieut. told me at noon I
could fall out - but I wanted to make it in with the rest of my
co. All of the band fell out and many others - but they all got in
this evening. I can hardly move or do anything.