Diary, July 28-August 3, 1918 July 28-Sun- 3:30 am german plane came over and bombed quite a little. in the village wrecked a barn that was empty. many window glasses shattered. one bomb exploded between 2 Ausie tents- 1 was killed and 7 wounded. another died later. tore a hole 3 ft deep & 8 ft across. took a bath at 9 AM in Cardonettee.
July 29-Mon school today- I got a holster for my gun tonite. hell of a bombardment tonite. Ausie fixed my shoes
July 30 Tue- I guess school will soon be over. got 48 rounds .45 cal. front line is one continuous roar tonite.
July 31- Wed - Ausies 4th div went up today to V[ ]ler Bretenneaux. found 48 more rounds - makes 4 boxes Ive pinched for my gun. getting now so I can shoot. got letter from mother last nite.
Aug 1 Thur- Had some pistol practice to nite. I feel pretty safe now. I believe it is good bye fritz if I get 1st shot. got leather pouch & 32 45 cal cart. for 1 franc.
Aug 2- Fri. rained.
Aug 3 Sat school out at noon today. Had test on Buzzer, lamp, shutter. flags- got a grade of 98, 98 99 98 respct.- was recomende[d] for earth conduction school by our instructor. Jerry got 4 of our observation Balloons today. He comes over every nite- But our anti aircraft guns sure give him hell. does very little damage. Artillery has been moving up today and there has been a continual roar from tanks passing here on their way up. our boys up in the lines have had some casualti[ ]. 2 that I know have been killed.