Diary, September 25-28, 1918 Sept 25 Wed- This morning at 3.AM we got off at vadelaincourt. I went to sleep. rest went off and left me there. at 5:30 I got up. & went in town & got breakfast. and a truck was going to Esnes so I got equip. hopped on and rode just where I wanted to go. 16 miles. hardly recognized the place all filled up with heavy art. & great am of ammunition. 90 r. per gun. 6 & 8 in. guns. American art. night before Jerry had shelled them and many horses were killed. some men casualties. I reported at 1 Bn. Hdq. then I went to Reg. Hdq. & saw Cpt Burton. He told me I was to be transfered to the band. I was sure glad. So I was then told to report to Nuccles camp. I turned in Sig. Watch. ate mess. at 1 Bn. and started back. Caught another truck and got a ride of 12 miles and got off within 20 steps of the place I was headed for. Bunked with Curtis. At 11 oc the most terrible Bombardment started I ever heard. The art. up there opened up - I never saw so much art. consentrated in one place. Some very large guns back here such as 12 & 16 inch ones. got letter from mother
Sept. 26. Thur. it is noon and the roar on the front upuntil now has been continous and is still raging. at 8 am the bunch went over and as it is dark now, I just heard they were still going. prisoners are coming back by the hundreds. I saw 4 of our ob. ballons shot down by a Hun plane this afternoon. I tried out for the band today.
Sept 27. reported some 30000 prisoners capt. yesterday over 3000 on our own front. heavy art. action quitted last nite only to start again this morning - I guess they were moving up as we made an advance of 7 or 8 miles and are still going. got letter from Cecil & paper from her today Aug 26.
Sept 28 Sat. All moving up. our transportation is not here today. our men went over to 9 or 10 miles advance last nite Germans counterattacked with no results. Our big guns going forward. They are driving to beat hell. Turned in rifle, bayonet & belt, drew pistol holster & belt. I & 2 Sgts of band went out to find the big gun close here but it rained so we stopped at the village close here. Saw an enormous munition dump. The art. has been raging all day, growing more intense toward evening - but now at 10 P.M. it not so much.