Diary, September 29-October 5, 1918 Sept 29 Sun. most every body moved out. I and Chief went & got some blackberries, woods just full of them. Had plenty of sugar & fine supper. Bombardment increasing to our left tonite in the region of Forrest of Argonne. rained all morning. washed much clothes.
Sept. 30 - Mon. Rained all day most. Still not moved. Battle raging.
Oct. 1-Tue. Our men held up after a 10 kilo drive at the Meuse river. Casualties heavy in 79 Div. Some in 129 Inf. giving them a show tonite to send them back from river. hundreds of horses killed our men was mown down by mch. gun fire. Heard Cambrai had fallen - Bulgarie given in & Metz on fire am not sure any of these are correct. Chief sent in today for my transfer. I feel lucky to be aliv as so many have died in this drive. The cold rainy weather & the wounded men were so many they could not be cared for as they should be and many died from their wounds on the stretcher, laid side by side in the open as hospital were so full no more could be taken in.
Oct 2. Wed at 2 am. a heavy bombardment started which was to force the germans back of Meuse river. unless they are forced back - they have the advantage of position. bombardment lasted till late this morning- 36 div. Guards from Metz are against us. Saw areoplane battle this evening. 2 squadrons of our liberty planes chased down a german plane. you could see the stream of tracer bullets flying thru the air. Chief & I picked berries all after noon others helped. had a big berry cobler and altogether a very fine supper. Shot a rat. Big guns roaring tonite.
Oct 3-Thur. Practiced on trumpet some today. wrote to mother & started one to Cecil. wrote to Leah & Aunt Laura. some more of our bunch going up this afternoon. had donuts, fried cabbage & lots of good eats today.
Oct 4 Fri- about 3 AM. one of the most terrific barrages opened up of the large back area guns. one continuous roar & thunder. 9 AM. still raging with more than the ferociousness of an angered thunder storm. [ ] talking with 149, 150 151 reg. of art. Bat. A from Danville passing. they are of the 149th. The boys were in the chateau Thierry drive, on the St Mich and now coming up to Brocourt. I think for this front. I guess our lads drove the germans beyond the river Meuse this morning. The bombardment was not ceased all day. These boys have been in over a year now. Rainbow Division bunch was visiting Bat a. & 149, Saw all the Danville buys, saw Hackleys 2 bros.
Oct 5. Sat. saw some boys from home in 149 art band. quite a few came over to see me. Ellis, Cole and others. they are in these woods. Artillery has been going pretty hard all day. 42 or rainbow Div is going into lines up here. hear Jerry is cleaning up on our 129 inf. the 165-166-167-168 inf. is in 42 Div.