Diary, October 20-26, 1918 Oct 20-Sun. rain all day. office here moved back today. Our reg. coming out of the lines tonite. about 50[ ]0 left I guess. 44 days in the lines to day makes for the 129 Inf. quite a few casualties in sigs. moats in hip, Jefferson in face, Shepheard gased. Wyman gas, golden in the leg. Knapp in shoulders & face. Ogdon being sent to officers training. Haney & Levy came in last nite & reported to band. Supposed to be transfered
Oct 21-Mon Left Vigneville at 7 oc. went thru Bet[ ]lenville, Fromersville and Cussey. Played concert for the reg. there. at 4 oc. we started and went thru Thierville, Jargon, Verdun, and stopped at Sommedieu. was one oc. when we arrived here. Have a nice place. Was a long tiresome hike of 18 or 20 miles. we played much on the way. rec letters from mother - Sept 11, 17, 27, Maude Sept 10-22 - Cecil Sept. 26.
Oct 22-Tue- got all located today in fine billet. Started to give concert but are too close to front lines to da[ ]
Oct 23 Wed. Visited strong today. hair cut. Had rehearsal. issued all new clothes so we can bathe & get rid of cooties. wrote to mother, Cecil and Della. Sent it today. Jerry came over tonite, dropped nothing. we signed pay roll and was mustered in. will probly leave here soon. for I know not where.
24 Oct Thur. Bathed this morning & put on all new clothes. cooties all gone now. At 2:30 we left here, played for our reg. as they left. looked more like [ ] Bn tho. We went thru [ ] and [ ] and landed in Ambly. at 6 oc. over a 10 mile hike played much on the way. Our blankets came at 10 oc. got good bunk.
25 Oct. Fri. we are cleaning equip today. Our reg came in here and 79 Div. 315 reg. left here. rec letter from mother with not a scratch but newspaper clipping. most disgusting thing I can imagine Not a word from her. Had inspection and retreat. weather not bad. guess we have electr[ ] at Y.M.C.A. I got Emersons works No 1. deposited 5 fr. to get to read it. I visited the large Catholic church here. very nice church
Sat. 26-Oct. Rec. a letter from mother of Sept 23 Some good news so much better than clippings visited Tilly. big mill & water wheel on Meuse river [ ] look like some of the towns Ive [ ] wrote to Cecil and Maude today. The bridge over the muse at Tilly is shot down & our second Bn is there. ins. by Col myer.