Diary, December 1-6, 1918 Dec 1 - Sun. Played for 3rd Bn this afternoon, they had atheletic meet. ate dinner & supper with K Co. was good. Col & L Col were there. Went to Y. & saw Strong there. Had good talk with him. Cold here. Guess we dont get to go home soon. wrote to Mrs. Dodd and Pearl Smith.
Dec 2 - Mon. a letter from Maude Nov 3, Card from Pearl. Band went to St Mihiel this afternoon to play for hospital. 132 band was there yesterday. wrote to Leah, Cecil, Bertha.
Dec 3 Tue. Had two rehearsals, cleaned up our surroundings in good shape. Raining. wrote to mothr tonite. helped mike with buglers this morning.
Dec 4. Wed. wrote to Maude. 2 reh. raining. sewed on 1 stripe for Stinger 1/2 Fr. instru. buglers in morn
Dec 5. Thur- with bigo'n morning, & rehearsal twice. drill & canteen stuff came in. Had talk with Rattin on chemistry. Order read that we move Sat. Hard to know where to.
Dec 6- Fri. Had inspection of feet. & packed cases and in afternoon packed blankets. this evening played for Div. Troop. They were sure good - fine comedy. 3 women & 4 made up women. After play the women wanted band to play them a dance. Col. Myers danced with the pretty one. Played over & hour for them. They think our band all OK & the officers sure enjoyed the little dance.