Diary, January 5-11, 1918 x Jan 5 Sun. Played concert down town, then was taken to the palace of the princess of Luxemburg and gave concert there. Upon entering grounds passed up beautiful drive to great arch & thru to the gardens & palace itself. Then thru the great arch into the court. where we took band concert formation. Dutchess - her mother & siste[ ] & servants were the audience. They served us strong liquor. Palace & grounds artistic & well kept. Officers took advantage of our going there, and they this means got in. great compli. over our inspection given us by Gen King. "1st concert for Belgian Prince" this is my first touch with Royalty. went thru Welsdorf & Berg.
Jan 6. Mon. played concert for some one. did [ ] right. Cold & rainy. Letter from Mother Dec. 6.
Jan 7. Tue-, GM & concert is all for today. nice day. Major Thornton tried out 2 of his band arr. of pieces of his own composition and they were very pretty overtures.
Jan 8. Wed- Heard news of Roosevelts death, Reg parade. letters from Mother Dec 12, Cecil Dec 11, Maude Dec 11 - Card from Irene Huntly. wr[ ] to mother
Jan 9 Thur confined today all of company. Haney & chief were in Lux. and saw great demonstration as today the princess gives up her throne. To be either republic or annexed to France. So princess Ad grande Dutchess Adelaide is now a private person with 150 000 000 marks.
Jan 10. Fri- Bought "Quentin Durward" by Scott. 5 Fr. issued gloves. GM. & Re. Heard lecture last nite on health. Rec letters, Olan Dec 4, Cecil Dec 3.
Jan 11-Sat. Went to Diekirch, good program. one of the buglers had D.T last nite. Some sight.