Letter, June 29, 1918 [Letter in pencil on plain paper. Received July 22, 1918]
June 29 18-
My dear Cecil -
My letter of June 9 was returned to me so I am sending it on
with this much additional. I have rec. quite a few letters from
you and mother - more than I have been able to find time and
answer. But am doing the very best I can. We are very, very busy
with our work for we now see where we are going to need all we can
learn. Things are very interesting now. I haven't written 2
letters to you from one place - and I haven't near written to you
from every place Ive been. So you can see by that we are not idle
over here.
I've worked harder and stood more roughing around the last
couple weeks than I ever stood in 3 or 4 months over there. We are
seeing some wonderfull things but it is not all a jolly good time
for us.
I don't know how soon I'm going to get home - for it seems we
have a pretty big job ahead of us. am going to write to mother as
soon now as I can for I have been kept from it long enough - tell
her I have rec. at least 5 letters from her. and tell her too that
I will write again as soon as it is possible. I am not long enough
in one place here lately to write a note - much less a letter.
I am feeling fine as yet. I suppose you will be enjoying the
4th of July in a few days now. Am interested in what is going on
over there.
So write every time you can - you mentioned in your last
letter about not having as much to write as some girls write -
even to fellows they don't know - well, did you ever read any of
those letters? you write a much more interesting letter even tho
there is not so much to them - for mushy letters dont tell you
much about things you are interested in - And tell mother she is
wrong about mail being opened coming to us - Hoping you are well I
am as ever your best friend & pal -
Paul B