Letter, September 27 (or 26), 1918 [Letter on color stationery
of the American Y.M.C.A.]
Sept. 27 (or 26) 1918
My dear Father & Mother
I have just rec. a pay for 2 mos. and am sending 100 f. or
$17.69 (or $16.69) money order. I could send more, but one never
knows how long it will go before you are paid and it is a very
good idea to keep a little on hands - I had 100 f. with me when I
hit Paris and was able to get around and make use of opportunity.
On returning to my organization I found a letter there from
you, Fleda & Arthur [ ] pictures of daddy & cornet, which sure is
good. Certainly looks natural. And the one picture of you, Aunt &
Uncle I had in Camp I guess. I had been wishing so long for some
pictures, you can imagine how glad I was to get them. Am expecting
to hear from you oftener now as you said you were not going to
neglect writing such a long time and hope you keep your word.
Well my little time in Paris sure came as a surprise to me as
I could hardly expect that much. I got to spend all day Sunday and
most of Monday there.
It certainly is the cleanest, most beautiful city a person
could imagine, every building nearly seems to be a piece of art in
its self. You meet many people who speak English, which is some
That Eiffel Tower is sure a wonder big piece of iron
structure, was right up by it. Its immense. And the Concord is a
large square with many pieces of art. The Arch of Triumph - saw it
Was in some of the places and the buildings on the inside are
fine as you could imagine.
I hope sometime to have the privelege of spending more time
there, as so many places of interest on the inside, I just had
time to notice from the outside.
I got to see many other interesting cities on the way to &
from school For it was a long way there and we had to do a great
ammount of changing in making the trip.
I mailed you a letter in Paris. I dont know if you will get
it or not. Well I am about to be reduced from corporal. will be
reduced in rank but not in pay as I am now detailed to the band
and my transfer will come later. I dont know what you will think
of me doing this, but as it is me that is either pleased or has to
suffer for the change I guess you wont think much one way or the
other. Only I feel that I will have a better job, The band is run
different from over in the states and this is a different bunch of
fellows and I believe I will like them better than the Old 5th
bunch. And being reduced sure doesn't worry me much - Altho I know
I am not making use of all my opportunities for promotion -
Has August Allotment of $15 been rec. yet. Let me know just
as soon as you can if it comes. For it is being taken out of my
The money you can use if you need it, otherwise put it in the
bank to my credit so in case I do get home sometime I can have a
little to start me off on at least.
As I can, along, I will be sending money home. And you will
know what I want done with it. Everything I owe you be sure and
take out. I hope to have quite a bit more than this waiting for
me, for I expect I will need all I can save up. And I will do my
best to save it.
Well I will now try and get this sent.
Hoping you are all as well as I am.
I will close with a world of love for daddy & mom.
Paul B Hendrickson
Hdq. Co 129 Inf. A.E.F.
[letter endorsed by ( ) Capt 129 Inf.]
[note appended, apparently by his mother]
While in Crawford the first time I didn't write to him. was
sending a letter every week and didn't get any thing from him
excepting the first letter so I had the feeling that my letters
would go straggling along and that he wouldn't realize that I
didnt write for 3 weeks but at the end of my visit it dawned on my
mind what if my letters were getting to him somewhat regular. he
sure would come to a place where he wouldn't get any letters and
sure enough he did and some of the letters have been heart
crushers to me for I felt so condemned to think of my dear boy
longing to hear from me. The children have been slackers about
writing him but they felt that as he heard from them thru me as
they heard from him the same way that he perhaps was satisfied but
there has been letters going to him since that time - even before
they knew he was craving them. The last letter he wrote he had
recd 14 in one day letters among them were some from me. It seemed
when he began getting letters from me after that break that there
was a bunch he didnt get so he got them all in a bunch. now you
can return these as early as you feel like.