Letter, December 18, 1918 [Letter on color stationery of the Y.M.C.A., Union Franco-Américaine. Received January 22, 1919.]
Haglesdorf, Luxemburg.
Dec. 18- 1918-
My dear Cecil-
I rec your letter of Nov 18 - some time ago - but on the 7th
of Dec we started on our hike out of France in Lorraine and into
Luxemburg and am only stoped now for a days rest or so. I think
tomorrow we move on. We are close to German border now. God,
Cecil, but this is a beautiful little country. I sure will tell
you all about it when I get back.
It has been an easy march, because it has been thru such
interesting country. I've been in three countries now and the
capitals of two of them. We marched thru Luxemburg city a few days
ago. Those roads and beautiful drives thru the cities and forests
you can hardly imagine such a place. So old and with a castle
occasionally to set it off. And the whole country is as neat-clean
& well kept as the average front yard.
Roads winding up to side of these great hills like a letter
S. One place the road winds down the side of a hill and thru a
building and on down thru one of the most beautifull valleys you
ever looked out over. Every place you can see the touch of the
hand, even in the forests - for the under growth is all cleared
out. It is not a natural beauty so much as a clean well kept
Hills are terraced and gardens on them, Every place available
is used to produce something.
Am glad to know you are getting started back to school again.
And be sure to do as you said about your music - for I am sure I
will give you a chance to make use of all your practice.
I rec. Rubys letter too. Enjoyed it very much. Am sorry I
will not get to answer it now and have no idea when I will.
So Freda is married. Can hardly believe it.
Well I imagine it will be longer than you imagine before I
get home. I hope I can get to a place where I can write more soon.
For I hate to send such a little bit. Hoping you a merry Xmas & a
happy new years I am as ever yours -
Paul B Hendrickson
Hdq. Co. 129 Inf. A.E.F.