Letter, December 18, 1918 [Letter on color stationery of the Y.M.C.A., Union Franco-Américaine.]
Haglesdorf, Luxemburg
Dec. 18, 1918 -
Dear mother, I rec your letter of Nov 17, some time ago, but
we are first one place then another and I can hardly get a chance
to write much. I wrote you in the school house and since, we
marched thru the city of Luxemburg, such a beautiful city too.
We are on the eastern border of this country. I don't know if
we are going on or not.
I hope I get the Xmas box. we sure will be over here long
enough to rec. it if it don't get here till spring. For the
fighting devils are staying here they say and it sure looks it.
You certainly have been having much company. Jove if I could
only be with you once in a while. Well mother I could fill pages
telling about this beautiful country and of our trip but will not
attempt it. I have only a few more minutes now to write.
We are in a big castle on a high hill. the great tower stands
high with its parapets, & Luxemburg flag floating from the top.
Wall thick & barred windows over looking the country - far and
It is not so pleasant here as it might appeal to you as
being. For our roosting places are most any place.
I've now been in 3 countries & the capitals of two of them -
not so bad is it? Probly will see more before I get back.
We are in a little german beer shop this morning.
It has a fine table and is warm in here and real german beer
to drink. We order a glass once in a while to have the privelege
of staying in here.
Hoping I get home in time to top the trees this spring.
I am as ever your lovin son -
Paul B Hendrickson
Hdq. co. 129 Inf. A.E.F.