Letter, January 20, 1919 [Letter on color stationery
of the American Y.M.C.A.]
Jan 20, 1919
Ettelbrück Luxemburg
Dear Mother
Rec your letter of Dec 21, and will write a few lines, and
answer the letter if I have time. First - I am sending you a
picture of our band. We are on the public sq. in this town -
going thru our every day guard mount ceremony. Sanding in band
formation. The big band stand we play in is just on to the right
a bit, and in the centre of the square.
You will notice two of the men have blue dots directly under
them, one a cornet player - no other than myself - the other a
trombone player - Elmer Taylor of whom I wrote you before.
The fellows head, that seems to be most a part of my own -
is my old sig. platoon sgt. cornet player too and was transferred
to band same time I was.
Well Mother dear - I have been wondering if you rec the many
cards of Viandere I sent to you in an envelope. Also sent some
rolls which will be of very little importance to you except the
one on Vianden, you may be able to get one of the families near
you to translate it for your information more than I am able to
tell off hand.
Also I sent a card home in the bunch which cousin Irene sent
me. Not thinking what I was doing I let it go before I coppied
the address so will you please send address back as I want to
send her some cards from different places.
You will some time - no doubt - receive a box containing
some small articles. It will be a long time coming as it is
second class. But I want this all kept just as you receive it.
Don't forget, I don't care to have them shown to any one before I
get home, for I first intended bringing them, but made too much
bother as am taking a chance on the mail getting them there
sooner. Don't let any one of the coins get misplaced. You probly
think me foolish. Well I care little any more about what others
think of my conduct, so long as I live to satisfy my conscience.
Should I at any time send any other thing home I hope you
will keep it for me as careful as I know you will do this. For
there is no doubt but it will be a long time before we are sent
home and I may run across a few more articles I want to keep and
cannot safely carry with me.
Was glad to hear of clessie being down to see you. And will
[or would] not have to say I am sorry I could not be there. Have
not heard from him as yet tho. Does he seem the same as ever or
is he getting older fast. I can't imagine him getting old tho.
I hope the flu is wiped out entirely by the time you rec
this letter and that you are on your feet again. It's hard to
have to be over here so far - apparently doing nothing - where
your parents you know are getting old and not feeling the best
ever - and your one ambition is to get back home to them.
Patience - did I ever know the meaning of that word before I
enlisted in the Army? I never had the least conception of what it
ment. It is a continual wait your turn on every thing that is
done and in a co. of nearly 400 you can begin to see the enormous
meaning of the little word - not taking into consideration the
many other places it comes in - one for instance - living days -
weeks & months with the same men closer than any family for we
are together always - you have to have patience with your fellow
beings. who in return sometimes do as much for you. It's one
thing after another and when I think how impatient I used to get
over the most trivial thing - I have a good laugh - to my self.
Well mother you have it harder than I - for you have to be
alone too much of the time, while I - well I complain because I
can't have more time alone. I am now writing in a small room we
were able to get for reading & writing for the bro's of the lodge
and we appreciate our few minutes off here in the quiet where we
can at least hear ourselves think.
Was glad to rec. clippings of ones I know & am interested
in. Am sending one in return. by comparison you will see our
yellow cross division does not rank so far down when actuall
figures are given. Will write more as soon as I have time with
love to all - your loving son
Paul B Hendrickson
Hdq. co. 129 Inf. A.E.F.