Letter, March 30, 1919 [Letter on color stationery
of the American Y.M.C.A.]
March 30 1919
Ettelbruck. Lux.
Dear Father & Mother
This is Sunday and I have been practicing every minute of
spare time on my trumpet. Our music is beaucoup hard and I have to
do some individual work if I ever expect to play it. And I like it
so well I wish to play it - so there is a reason for my work.
Before me I have your letters of Feb-17-25 Mar 3-9-11. I dont
know which Ive answered so I just vie you dates I have & call this
an answer to them all.
In your letter of the 11th - you are so concerned in my health
- I'll tell you those 8 days in the hospital took more cold out of
my system than I thot possible then our trip to nice warm Nice &
the gulf or rather the sea. Well it set me on my feet something
wonderful. I feel better now than at any time since landing in
Europe. I hate to think of the suspense you have had to endure
until finding out that I am all OK. But I am glad you will rec.
good news when you hear from me. I also hope you get the cards I
sent you from Echternach.
You mention letters from Guy & Della that I fear I have never
rec. The picture of Cecil has not showed up yet; but probly will
soon. That is a good one of Guy and I wish I was standing there by
him; in same kind of clothes.
We are having some very funny weather here. Thur. we went to
Diekirch to play for quite an entensive entetainment put on by an
Art. Reg.. the Morning was fine - but rained all afternoon, got
pretty wet. Has been snowing every since. Had quite a blizzard
today for half an hour - now sun is very bright.
I and Harry Perry have an anti room where we practice on our
cornets - play duets & scales together - he is there now. but -
Harry - I'll tell you who he is. Does not live so far from Bismarck
- and once upon a time went with Lelia (Brown) Campbell. We have
been close friends for a long time and only recently did I discover
this little item. One remarkable thing about Perry is that he does
not drink, use tobacco or swear. Before I met him I'd have sworn a
dead man to be the only one capable of possessing all these virtues
at one time, but he has proven to me my error. How he does it I
can't see. But really I don't use such bad language but that I can
control my self - for when in Cannes we took a trip and two red
cross nurses were in the crowd & some how Elmer Taylor & I seemed
to appeal to them more than the rest - so we were in their company
very much during the day and I had no trouble playing the role of
gentleman and talking in a becoming way and making myself aggreable
most all the time. I realy did not know if I could or not - but the
very presence of women seem to have a great influence over your
actions - especialy if they are the right kind of women. I don't
like the general morals of what French women I've seen close and do
not care to become any better acquainted with them than I am now.
The play I mentioned we have not been able to put on yet as we
had difficulty in getting required ammount of time for rehearsing
and our leave breaking in with 17 days and now we may go to some
place to play for a week or so - and we have about given up the
idea of a show.
You mention something about a party not being able to sleep in
a real & soft bed. From my own experience and all that went to our
hotel in Nice, there was not one of us but slept well and soundly
all the 7 nites we had the privelege of being there. Now I don't
know what the idea of telling such bunk as that - is - but it looks
rather inconsistent - I must say.
Some men have an inane desire to "spread it a bit" and when on
leave I run into a number who seemed to be waiting for an
opportunity to tell of their 8 days or so experience in the lines
and I expect if given a chance would have told more than I could
about the last 3 or 4 months when we had it the hardest before Nov.
The olive branch is from the mountain on whose peak is
Cheateauneuf. I have no peace dove to send it to you with - so
please excuse my sending it in an envelope. But may the lord permit
it to have the desired results.
The box you mention being broken - is that the one containing
the books?
I am sending you a list of some of the pieces we play and will
mark them in the order in which you should buy them - get the best
ones first.
Also some literature from around Nice and another small
article concerning the Jews that seems to fulfill a certain
prophecy about them that we used to discuss. It seems to be coming
to pass - even tho it is slow to us - but would seem very fast - as
seen from eternitys stand point of view.
The essay is for you to keep in my trunk for me.
I do hope the helmet and the last box I sent comes thru
alright, will you write me the articles you rec. in the last box -
I wish to know just what comes thru (sent 4 packages in all).
Well you should hear our conversation this evening discussing
the kind of suit we are going to get when we get home. Some time
things look very favorable & sometimes they dont.
So daddy you took my job of trimming the trees. Well I am
sorry I could not get home in time for it.
From number of pieces you mention - you have a good
collection. Have you Nevin "Rosary". I sure love that piece in trio
arrangement I think it is. Pearl used to play it so much for me
when I went to Aunt Lauras at Logan. Also the 'Herd girls dream' by
Neopolitan trio; Guys have that record too. I certainly am glad you
have the instrument for I will miss music so much when I return and
have no one to play with - but with the phonograph I can listen to
artists and appreciate their works.
It will be a wonderful day when I can sit down at home - at
ease - with those around me who care for me & who I care for more
than anything else in the whole world. And mother I know of no
young lady but what is insignificient in comparison to you. You
will probly appreciate to a fuller extent when you have finished
reading my little essay. With a longing to see my father & mother
I am as ever your loving son
Paul B Hendrickson
Hdq. co. 129 Inf.