Letter, May 11, 1919 [Letter on plain ruled paper. Enclosed was a souvenir of Mother's Day 1919 at Brest, France.]
Brest France - May 11- 1919
My dear father and Mother
This morning rec. your letter of Apr 23. sure was glad for
it as time is tedious, slow and very unimportant waiting around
in this camp - wishing for our "ship to come in".
This is the great Mothers day - and high tribute was paid to
the mothers in America in our mornings service, for which our
band played. Am sending a little pamphlet given to us at the
service and which I think is very good - only not enough of it. I
am glad I sent you the little essay, if you appreciate so so much
as you say and I think its luck that I should also hear from you
about it on this day. Makes me think more of this day as mothers
day than any thing else could have done. I hope I will be able to
prove in actions in time to come what I tried so hard to express
in words.
Ah - how I would like to have been with you when Berthas
were up. Maybe before long I can. But Maybe then it will be too
busy for them to get to come up very soon. But no matter - just
to place my feet inside our front door is all I ask. What comes
after may take care of itself. I feel equal to what ever it may
be - but it seems I never will get there. Time goes fast but they
seem to be sending us out in different order than when we came
over - we were first to land - now we are almost last to leave.
But we will start eventually, and we think "why not now," but
there must be boats before we can sail and as there is none for
us - We stay just that much longer on the sunny shores of
beautiful France - where it rains every day & nite. Spent a day
visiting the city of Brest.
Some very beautiful & Old places here I did not know of. One
old church looks to be of Greecean architect. very beautiful
inside altho the exterior is old & rough. This is the best
fortified city in France, and was a treat to ramble over those
old walls & in the old barracks & dungeons, draw bridges and so
on. Saw some sub's coming into Arbor, and a french cruiser in dry
dock. The great Imperator, sister to the Leviathon, is laying at
anchor just out side the arbor walls. She is sure a monster. Many
very fine looking women on the promenade along the bluff over
looking the beautiful Arbor. Spent the evening at a show in the
Company of a Y. lady.
We play most every evening until 12 oc. for dances given by
red cross girls for Officers only. Let me take this opportunity
to let you know that if you have any relative over here who is an
officer - help the red cross for they are doing all they can for
their comfort & entertainment. They so much as thank us.
Elmer & I are together all the time. Have been since first
we met. We strolled over this great camp - parts at a time and
maybe you dont think it an enormous one. Something new we see
every time we take a walk. Here I see for the first and only time
works of the Jewish Wellfare and Salvation Army. I find I have
underestimated the Y's efforts, because they were not able to
serve us while occupied in the months of fighting, when our own
rations were very slow in getting to us because of the lack of
system of the french railroads, and I must say if our country
depended on the system the French employ, we would not long be a
nation, but several small ones.
America is a wonderful place, all foreigners think it so at
least and I know it as a positive fact. Will close, with love to
all. Some day we will talk instead of write. Can you imagine it?
Paul B.