Letter, May 29, 1919 [Letter on stationery of the Illinois Welcome Committee.]
May 29 1919
New York City
Dear father & Mother
Today I am again visiting this the greatest city in the
whole world - and how I can appreciate it more than I ever could
have done before, had I not seen how inferior the countries and
cities across the water are.
I spent Monday here. Edgar Thomas a cornet player in our
band, has lived here & he looses no time taking us to the most
important places to be seen.
I rec. your letter of May 26 and I'll tell you it does one
good to get a letter that is not 3 or 4 weeks old. I am so glad
to know all the packages are there. I am sending little articles
from here; but they don't ammount to nothing much.
Give a good word for this Ill. Welcome committee - for they
are treating the boys mighty fine and doing all any organization
like this could do.
Have been to the Cabarets, winter garden, Art Meuseums,
Woolworth bldg, flat Iron bldg, Statue Liberty, Blooklyn bridge
and hundreds of other places I can't begin to mention.
Wish you could see the parade in Chi- and there is to be one
in Aurora. We leave Sat. some time. I don't see why they want to
impose so much on us when we have already endured a god's a
plenty. Well I am hoping I can see you soon or sooner.
With lots of love to you all - I am your
Paul B.