Letter, April 15, 1917 Apr - 15 - 1917 -
Quincy - Ills.
% Armory Hall -
Dear Father & Mother -
I just got me a box of stationary yesterday and this is the first chance I have had to use it since then. Its just about 9-30 and I have just been mustered into Federal Service. Have just taken the oath. We have been kept in pretty close up till now waiting on examinations and a great deal of other dope, but now that it is all over and we know what we are going to do - I suppose we get more priviledgs. We take our meals at a Hotel about a block from here. We sleep in the Hall here. I have made my bed already.
As far as work is concerned we do not know of anything but stay right here at Quincy. This town is worse than Danville- I think they are about all German or freaks of nature of some kind. Am not much in love with town and people - but that maybe because I am not acquainted yet.
The shows and street car service respect the uniform - in as much that you get by without having to pay a cent - go any part of town you like and come back for nothing. Helps to keep our expense down.
We have to be in by 11 o'clock except Saturday night and then it is twelve.
Every body around here is strict and you learn a little order and manners too. I kind a like that part of it.
I haven't been able as yet to get much practice. Our band room has been taken possession of and we have not gotten it back yet. But we expect to get it soon. If we do - we will have lockers to keep our stuff in and things will be pretty nice then.
All about me and I haven't ask a think about you. Are you still well or do you still feel pretty badly about my going. It may be lonesome without me but I don't think it will be for long. And did my suit come yet and if so what does it look like. Well it is getting late and will write some more maybe tomorrow or next day - depends on what we do. Write to the adress given. %Armory Hall is all, outside of the place or city.
Your loving son Paul - B.