Letter, August 11, 1917 [Letter on stationery of the Y.M.C.A., Quincy, Ill.]
Quincy Ills - Aug 11-1917 %5th Reg. Band.
Dear Father & Mother,
Just about as I expected my money run out before payday. And I expect we will move about Sunday or if not then it will be very soon after. And I would like awfully well to have two dollars to help run me over to next pay - as we will need some money in moving.
Of course you can't get it to me before we move but if you send a couple dollar bills by registered mail it will be forwarded to me and I will get it soon, but not any too soon for I only have 25 cents.
I will have some more money to send home next pay and you can take this out of what I send home.
Our 650 men are getting along fine here. The cars for moving us are already in, and we expect to be going very soon if not sooner. Will maybe be in East. St. Louis for a very short time to get most of the troops together of the 5th Reg. Then we will go to Houston or just out side of there.
I am sending a couple of pretty good pictures of me, and you can send Uncle Alvins one of them, if you think they are good enough.
The fellow with me is Longstreth. It is a poor picture of him, I have some better ones I will try and get a hold on.
I certainly am very busy now, studying. Signal work mostly and learning the calls.
I just now rec. your card. I guess I have neglected writing, but I have had so much to think about that I have almost forgotten to write. I rec. Cecils letter. I will have you to tell her that I won't try to answer her letter just now. Maybe will go quite a while until we get located again. So if it goes longer next time, you know it is because I can't get the chance to write. I will send three of the pictures, one of them for Cecil. I will give you our new address as soon as I get there. But send the registered letter to the address here at Quincy.
And I am feeling fine - nothing at all the matter with me. Just pure neglect, the reason I did not write. I will probly write again very soon. will close as I want to get this letter off as soon as possible, and please don't hesitate to answer it, for I am sure needing some money if we move. With love I am as ever your son
Paul B.