Postcard, April 26, 1917 [Postcard]
Apr - 26 - 1917 Quincy Ills - %Armory Hall -
Dear daddy-
This card is a business card. I have a book at home I want. and as mother is not there I will have to describe it. It is my Arbans instructor - little over an inch thick about 12 inches wide, and a little more than 12 in. long. Has brown cover and the cover is not a stiff one - the book can be rolled up - contains 3 or 4 hundred pages I think.
Any how the name Arban is written in big letters across the front, and its full of music or scales. And in about the center is 5 or 6 loose sheets of paper which are lessons I took of Johnson - I want them sent with the book - and the book was left laying on the desk in my room when I left. You can send it parcels post or mail which ever is the best and quickest way - for I must have it as soon as there is any possible chance of getting it here. Some of our cornets are leaving and it throws higher work on me. and if I don't get my instructor and get to work right now, I wont be able to hold the advanced position.
Your son Paul B.