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Postcard, June 15, 1917


Quincy Ills. %5th- Reg. Band. June 15-17

Dear father-

Will try an drop you a line. We have been in camp now a week. weather is pretty good. quite a bit of rain. We have a beautiful campground here. How is everything at home. I heard from mother yesterday. She certainly must be having it pretty hard altho she don't say much.

Am so sorry she can't be at home.

we are being treated pretty nice out here now. We are being kept awfully busy just now tho. I guess they want to make real soliders out of us.

Have just now been drilling.

We may go for texas some time, but we don't know when as yet. May not go at all tho. I have to go to the woods for some practice now. Write when you can. Has Arthurs & Guys been to see you lately?

Write soon. I am as [ever] your loving son -

Paul B-

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