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Postcard, July 21, 1917


Quincy Ills - % Band - July 21-17

Dear Mother,

I received your letter yesterday and card today. was sure glad to hear from you. I am going to answer as soon as possible but we have been playing at the horse races at the county fair here. Tue - Wed - Thur & Frid afternoon and it has been awfully hot too. I have had kind of a billious attact and my tonsils are swollen. I feel better today but hot sun makes me kind o dizzy. will be alright in a day or so. we will probly be in Springfield in a couple weeks and if we do, I wish you and Arthur would make arrangements to come and see me if possible.

And please don't forget to send me the folder picture of myself I showed your on return mail. The girl wants one and I want it by Thur night. if possible will try and write a letter tomorrow or next day - will ring off for this time. -

Your loving son

Paul B.

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