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Letter to Paul B, March 17, 1918

Holland Lodge No. 1 [A.F. & A.M.]
Will N. Keidel, Secretary
Houston, Texas

March 17-1918

Dear Sir:

You have been elected to receive the E.A. degree, by your Lodge, you will there fore please be at the Lodge Room corner Main and McKinney Ave. on Thursday the 21th at 6.30 P.M. when the degree will be conferred on you.

By order of the Lodge

[sig] N. C. Daubon


[printed card found with letter]

The Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of

Holland Lodge No. 1, A.F. & A.M. with pleasure extend to you a cordial invitation to visit our Lodge as often as you can make it convenient. Stated meetings are held on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, at 8 o'clock p.m.

For Called Meetings see Houston Post, top first column classified Ads.

Presented by ....................................
Masonic Temple, Main Street and McKinney Avenue, Houston, Texas
(Lodge Rooms open at all times)

Holland Lodge No. 1, A.F. & A.M.
Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

This lodge was the result of a meeting of five Masons, held at Brazoria, State of Texas, Republic of Mexico, March 1835. Its first meeting, as a Lodge, was on December 27, 1835, under a Dispensation from the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, under the name of Holland Lodge No. 36, U.D. Its name was in honor of Dr. J.H. Holland, the Grand Master of Louisiana. Texas became an independent Republic, March 2, 1836, and the Lodge was opened in Houston, November 8, 1837, after the war was over. Houston at that time was the Capital of the Republic, and the Lodge was held in the Senate Chamber of the Capitol. Its first Master, was Dr. Anson Jones, who was also the first Grand Master of the Republic when the Grand Lodge was organized, December 20, 1837. He was also the last President of the Republic, in 1845. Bro. Sam. Houston, the first President of the Republic, a member of this Lodge, presided over the Convention, at which the Grand Lodge was organized. The present Grand Master is a member of this Lodge, and resides in Houston, Bro. F. C. Jones. At the organization of the Grand Lodge, Holland No. 36 of Louisiana, became No. 1 of Texas, and has so continued. Located, after the first year, always, at Houston, it has worked under Five Flags, ... Its first membership was 6; its present membership is 616. ...

The present officers are A. D. Noble, W. M.; N. C. Daubon, S. W.; J. G. Worrall, J. W.; J. C. Kidd, Treasurer; W. M. Kidd, Secretary; J. Forbes, S. D.; E. C. Isaacs, J. D.; E. F. Rehmann, L. E. Levison, Stewards; F. Fenwick, Tiler; and they for the 616, extend you a brotherly welcome.

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