Letter to Paul B, May 3, 1919 [Received May 23, 1919]
1211 Dakota St. Danville Ill May 3 1919
My Dear Boy Paul:- Well I didnt write to you Wed as I have been
doing of late. I dont believe I will get one wrote this morning
from the way the pens are acting for this is the second new pen,
begun with the old one that I have used every since way last
winter the best little pen I have ever used. I guess this one
will do better as I go along. - hope so at least. well I scan the
papers daily for some word of the movements of the 33rd Div. but
all I see is pertaining to the welcome and parading of them and
if it goes as long as the 42 Div you will do well to get home
this month. I dont know if the letters I am writing you of late
will get to you or not or if they will be sent back. I aimed to
get 4 letters written to you in the month of April but was
careless about it. Wed. so now I am writing in May when it could
have been April just as well.
[written vertically along the margin] in looking over my
letter record I see I have written you 4 letters in April.
(this bloomen pen dropped a big splotch on this paper)
Well we rec'd your pack of cards written from Villerupt
France and it did sound so good to read of your anticipation of
getting home soon and that probably would not hear from you any
more till in Camp over here. But it seem that your moving is slow
but I guess it will seem more so as the line draws closer. No
doubt these last short letters will yet be sent to you - any how
the first one - no, the second one of April was the first short
letter I wrote. I am sure this one will not go across so will not
write any thing much only that we are well and all the relatives
and friends as far as I know and we are anxiously and trying to
be patiently waiting your arrival home. now if you do get this
letter you know why I am not taking time to write more. And it
will do you good to know we are well so this will be all
sufficient for the time being if I could get just a word or so
from you now while you are being moved along would do us a world
of good. I am in hopes you decided to write again before leaving.
O yes I forgot to say we got the other box so that makes 3 boxes
and the helmet so I guess that is the 4 packages you mean God
bless and keep you and overrule for a safe Home Coming
your Loving Mother