Diary, June 23-29, 1918 June 23-Sun. slept till 10 oc. can hardly walk. throat sore. Rod fell out at very first of hike & just got in at noon. Im not doing a thing today. a fleet of german planes went over last nite - 2 spies were caught and killed yesterday. 14 were killed in the last week.
June 24- Mon- worked on sig. work in mo[r]n and lecture in afternoon. English instructors. they are very good teachers - have had real experience. Planes very busy over head- 8 to 8:30 - have been listening to a continual pounding of the big guns up in the battle front. Our patroll plane very busy. Mitten got back from the front today. day very cold.
June 25- Tue- Day fine - a hundred areoplanes seen flying all morning. Air buzzing with them all the time - go over in bunches of 5 to 14. Our platoons have separate mess from now on. worked light sig. this afternoon - Today Ousley, Gruebel, and Miller were made Cpls. Haney sgt and Cpl Bates was busted. Sky has been full of planes all afternoon. doing stunts. got 17 new men.
June 26- Wed. pretty cold. a few squadrons of fast planes went over today. Sig Corpse men leaving for the front today - Report is that Austria laid down completely.
June 27 - Much shelling up in front. Our town and another one close rec. a few bombs during the nite some time. Fritz is after the areoplane machine shops.
June 28 - All the non coms in our plat. & our leut. with reg. officers all took London busses and rode up to within 10 miles of the front - at Beaucourt. we left busses at a village back and marched to Beaucourt. They were shelling a village a mile from us. you could see the big shells explode and send dirt up higher than the trees. They often shell the place we were but did not today. we saw areo fields - reserve trenches - munition dumps- more than I ever imagined - got back at mid nite - had a lunch & turned in.
June 29. got up late. did an inspection of arms in morning - at 6 oc PM we had mess and the 1st Bat. sect. sig. Plat. went to the 1st Bat. at [Engard {lined through}] Ergenese