Diary, July 21-27, 1918 July 21-Sun. did nothing this morning. made a ring of my aluminum piece then I talked with the lieut. of a tank that was being repaired close here and got to ride a couple miles with him when they pulled out. was one of the large tanks just back from the front. 2, 6lb. guns 4 mch. guns. a 6 cy. engine and when I got out of it my head rang for an hour- was 20 min before I could hear much at all. It moved along between 10 & 15 m.p.h.
July 22- Mon- School carried on today. a big meet and races for Ausies. a Cpt & Major was killed in horse races today.
July 23 Tue. The name of the village I rode past Sun is Cardonettee.
July 24 - Wed - Started letter to mother today. rains every day. got letter from Maude today
Thur 25 July - big Ausie meet & races today. a bunch of Ausie was brot down from north front in areoplanes to see races and planes took them back this eve. Bought a S&W .45 today.
Fri 26 July. still rainy. bought a colts 45. traded my S&W for a new Colts 45. have 2 of them now.
July 27-Sat- Steve Ousley bought my older 45 this morning. keeping the new one. was to have school test today but rained us out. got 90 .45 cal cartridges this evening.