Diary, August 18-23, 1918 Aug 18-Sun. got up at 10 AM. got bite to eat. Quite a bunch of schrapnel were sent over to us this morning. went to reg. Hdq this afternoon. a big shell droped 60 yds from me on my way back. fell down on my face, was not hit, pieces dropped all around me. finished letter to Cecil this evening. Answered mothers letters of July 4 & 10 and Mauds letter of July 7 & Pearls letter of July 2.
Aug 19 Mon - Heavy shelling all day - got wrap leggings today. Saw a couple dead men. Officer took my name for not wearing a mask. Had a colts automatic apart for 1st time.
Aug 20 - Tue quiet this morning- at 4 we fin. dinner, packed & went to reg Hdq. & then to Round woods. got supper there. Then we went to Molleins au Bois Woods & stayed all nite --
Aug 21 Wed. Turned in English guns & got Springfield 46979- bayonet & ammunition. This afternoon took bath. I was rotten dirty. sure feel fine tonite.
Aug 22 Thur. Got everything packed. all Batn. sections sent to resp. Bn's. Laver over my Bn. Albert was taken this morning. still in Woods. Jerry came over late but did not come close.
Aug 23. Fri- on loading detail. left woods at 8 P.M. and went to Ameins with transport - got there at 10:30 some hike. entrained at midnite. Troops of 1st Bn got in at 12 oc P.M.