Diary, August 25-31, 1918 Aug 25-18 landed this morning at 12:30 PM. at Ligny on the Ornain river. went thru Valaines to Nancois Peltt where we are now located. This afternoon went upon a heights by here was a statue of a Virgin & a child overlooks the most beautiful valey. It is a point. you can see from North east to direct east. and in the valey following clear around there are roads- railroads and 4 villages from here you can see Ligny, Nancois, Tronville, Valaines. Took Bath and went to work in office.
Aug 26-18 Mon. Stood inspection. This evening I & Strong went to Ligny- We had a good time there. Visited an old castle - had tower & winding stone steps leading to the great top with turrets. walls were at least 20 in and more thick. Went into a number of prison cells, much carving there done by prisoners. one dated 1139, but the place is hundreds of years older than that, has a deep well or dungeon. Sure gives you a shaky feeling to go thru a place built for warfare back in those ages when powder was not thot of. Saw the big cathedreal close but could not get in. Many swell looking women in Ligny- Sure is a large but ancient city. [appended in different color ink] It is the castle of Luxemburg.
Aug 27-Tue- Went to Ligny tonite. nothing outside of usual routine to report.
Aug 28-Wed- Nothing of interest.
Aug 29. Thur going on maneuver this afternoon.
Aug 30. Fri. on maneuv. in afternoon way up on a young mountain. An American flyer came down on the hill. had a new scout plane with Liberty motor- was one of the finest pieces of work- that machine of any I've seen over here
Aug 31. Sat. inspection on high hill this morn. a good dinner & on duty this afternoon.