Diary, September 1-7, 1918 Sept 1-Sun- This afternoon went to an old cement quary by a canal - near Tronvilles - the side of a monster hill or young mountain is cut down & most beautiful place, and the scenery from this high place is very wonderful. in the side of it is a tunel. how far it reaches I have no idea. I was back 4 or 500 yds & it was so dark I could go no farther. we rode down the side of the place in a little dump cart that had brakes on it. went to the canal & got on an up going boat, rode thru 2 locks & passed many canal boats on the way. Got off at Velaines, & from there went to Nancois Le Petit and heard 130th reg. band play concert. rec letters - Maude July 25, Pearl July 28
Sept 2-Mon. on big Maneuver all day. went thru Villeroncourt, Nancois Le Grande. was a well done days work. had a piece of bread for dinner.
Sept 3 Tue - used on Manuever as art. post. Post upon a big high hill where a French areoplane search light is located. in evening went to Tronwillers and got some nuts. got back at 9. & packed heavy pack ready to move &a did not go.
Sept 4-Wed. on a manuever today just off. & sigs. wa[]t. went quite a few miles thru Tronvillers, Nancene Le Grande. Took a bath as soon as I got back.
Sept 5. Thur. washed some clothes today. Packed my roll in evening and late we started. got Lorries at Tronvillers and rode till 2 oc. in morning.
Sept. 6 Fri were at Beaucourt Woods. got up at 11 am had bite to eat & shaved. Put in new Blade. This place is a few miles back of lines in a wood nice ymca. and real houses. negroes band played this evening for us- am learning to play chess.
Sept 7 Sat. packed up this morning ready to leave. Played chess all day. at 7:30 - crawled into our packs & started. It began raining - and dark - holy jumping snakes, but you could see nothing until it lighteninged then you would be blinded right. got to destination at 1:pm.