Diary, September 15-21, 1918 Sept 15 Sun. Traveled all nite. got in to Nievers at 8 oc. This is an ancient place of 40 or 50,000 Found a masonic hall here & met some members. was in the old cathedreal. very large and fine. Built in 1100. Saw arch of triumph erected for Napoleon in one of his wars where he raised a big force - stoped the enemy. Left at 12. arrived at Clamency at 5 oc. and got located, an at mess saw Srgt Baum. sure was surprised. we went to town & spent evening together.
Sept 16 - Mon. school starts today. am getting good instruction. our school room in an ancient building, with some of the largest & finest old paintings. Big church here is of 1100 period.
Sept 17 - 18 - 19- carrying on with school work. No letters rec. or sent yet. American advance in St. Michiel sector very interesting. Pretty good little town this. Nice looking women, but not sociable.
Sept. 20 - drew 1 pr shoes & 1 coat from school. Saw the most beautiful girl Ive ever laid eyes on. Graceful as a willow and an artist at painting (her face showed that)
Sept 21-Sat- Examination this morning, packed up at noon and left Clemacy at 5.00 P.M.