Diary, October 6-12, 1918 Oct 6. Sun. 42 Div. went up early this morning. 6 ballons up this evening. aviators are dropping news papers and cigarettes to the boys in the front lines. Doing it by thousands. our air boys are sure delivering the goods.
Oct 7. Mon. Bombard- pretty heavy in afternoon. gains being made all along. peace terms being [as]k for by the Kaiser. got sardines today, rainy very dark at nites. no matter how long you stay out, you cant see
Oct 8-Tue. Still at same old place, wrote to moth[er] today very rainy - bombardment continuing. great areoplane activity considering rain my birth day today.
Oct 9. Wed- This evening I saw over 50 giant bombing planes accompanied by 20 or more scout planes returning from Germany. some of the large planes had 2 propellers. report is that Austria has laid down arms. our boys still pounded away up here. a great light to our front & left.
Oct 10. Thur. A heavy bombarding started some time after 12 and closed down before noon. Today I mailed letters to Aunt, Leah, Cecil, Maude & 2 to mother. changed places for eats today, with Sup Co. no mail now for one hell of a while. dont know when we will get some. every thing in use for the boys.
Oct 11 Fri- Bathed and washed clothes today. had 3 good meals. Patrick was back. 400 1st Bat. was gassed[.] on this front are the 1, 2, 4, 5, 32, 33, 35, 42, 56, 76, 79, 91 divs I'm told, may be more. This is 34 days the 33 div. has been in the lines. A drafted man from 91 div, said they were in 8 days. terrible wasnt it. said it was impossible to stay in much longer and wouldn't believe we had been in 34 days. they were taken out on 8th day. Jove but those new birds come over and tell you so much about what they don't know a damned thing about.
Oct 12 Sat. lots of air work done, yesterday 250 some planes some planes raised hell with Jerry all in one bunch. Rec mail today mother 4 Maude 3 cecil 2 Della 1 Stella 1 Pearl 1 Thelma 1 - wrote to Guy & to mother - Our reg has about 250 left in 1st Bn. 400 were gassed. Jove it a shame the way they are shot up.