Diary, October 13-19, 1918 Oct 13-Sun again. week went fast. guess we will move up tomorrow. front line way forward. hear they want peace bad. and the british are using cavalry. wrote to Maude, Cecil, Thelma, Stella.
Oct 14-Mon. Trucks came today - hauled all the instruments up to Bethenville where we left them and we went to dugouts on edge of Vigneville with Nickerson got in a Bn. dugout a monster full of rats - cold too.
Oct. 15-Tue. moved to a nice little dugout today. clean dry & a fine place. wrote a letter to Pearl. Band together now. Saw moss today. Moved up instruments[.] 33 div is gaining great praise. Pershing passed here today
Oct 16-Wed. got cornet this morning. raining. heard the germans broke thru us last evening. This afternoon we played for Cpt. Nickerson and this evening heard morning report was false.
Oct. 17 practiced all day. some officers tried to [ ] run us out of our home this afternoon. wrote to mother and Maude. President Wilson says Fosch can decide the armistice.
Oct 18 - Fri. Have had a fine day today. My first detail today for months. 1 hr. rehearsel this afternoon, went to Silwry Le Perch. got paper. a great deal of areoplane activity today. Was shelled today.
Oct 19-Sat. Rehearsal in afternoon. all the band together today. not so pretty today. Officers trying to get our dugout. British making big gains. Ortend taken. big advance. Pat came in with us today.   |