Diary, October 27-November 2, 1918 Oct. 27, Sun Cpt Clinch had se[r]vices and band played Lieut Col. Myers was there. nice day today. Rec. letter from mother of Oct 2, one from Arth[ur] of Oct 2 and two from Pearl Sept 10 & Oct 1. Saw a good musical act by 3 women & one old man. Violins piano & man sang. was fine. bot 3 cans cond. milk, chocolate & gum. will get new caps I think - Saw Mitchel today. He is [ ]. Pearl sent pictures in letter. cutting wisdom teeth upper and lower on left side.
Oct 28 Mon. wrote to Arthur sent cards to mother. got 1/2 can peaches. saw show tonite. issued towels & leggings. band getting compa. Beautiful Amex women in show sure fine.
Oct 29 Tue. We moved this morning to a nice house. hearth, electric lights. put in a big hall clock 8 ft tall. sure looks home like. This afternoon played at Tilly for 2nd Bn. got ink. Found out I am just attached & not transferred, am still cpl. then. Sure a dissapointment. wrote to mother and Pearl.
Oct 30. Wed. Had reh. this morning. This afternoon we played for a ball game. bet. Hdq Co. and 105 Am. train. they won 4 to 2. Had phy. inspection, first one in France. Being Halloween nite we fried pan cakes. stole the stuff to make them with. they were fine. Austria says peace at our tearms. what will be the out come of it. wrote to aunt about floyd's picture sa[ ] got new coat today, turned in old one.
Oct 31 Thur. Rec letter from mother Oct 8 & picture At noon packed up every thing ready now to move wrote letter to mother in afternoon, unpacked this evening. played for show. Yanks formed a pocket near metz & let Germans thru, the reason we packed up. Over 70000 captured is report.
Nov. 1-18- Read this morning. at noon got ready and went thru Villers [ ] Meuse and to Recourt. Played marches, retreat & concert for 1st Bn. Saw Strong and Nordwig & others. saw many nice looking French girls. they thot we were alright. got back late. light bulb stolen and we made fires and pancakes. Had good time just the same. light was stolen.
Nov 2 - Sat. Had inspection, got new wrapps. played concert for Col. went and got my toe treated - soaked it in water in afternoon. raining today Good eats. Patrick & Green got back today with caps & service stripes. band all getting short over coats. got letter from Bertha Oct 8, Cecil Oct 5. wrote to Bertha and Cecil.