Diary, November 12-16, 1918 Nov 12 Tue. washed clothes. sewed on chev. for Haney 1 Fr. quiet today. Letter from Dell Oct. 18 & pict. wrote to Dell. Rehearsal in morning and in evening. wrote to mother.
Nov. 13. Wed. packed up. I rode on truck thru Rupt en Woevre and to Mouetti & then to the woods. in dugouts, rotten place. we went 10 miles; on front line - relieved 130. quiet now. muddy as hell. came up long hill. was late at nite when we got our equip. carted down to our bivys.
Nov. 14, Thurs. I'm in charge of quarters today. had band out on 1 detail. a few explosions heard, the blowing up of mines. played retreat. this is the Metz sector. germans have left Metz. a bunch of liberated Itilian prisoners came in this evening. Wrote to Maude and Cecil.
Nov. 15 - Fri - rec letter from Mother Oct. 25 and from Dell- Oct 25. marched up this muddy road for retreat, 2 rehearsals today. very cold today. getting colder. wrote to Mother.
Nov. 16. Sat. inspection. cleaned up our dugout. got in wood. fixed stove and I cleaned up our door step. Played retreat. Chief visited us late last nite. he has moved in next door to us.