Diary, November 24-30, 1918 Nov. 24 Sun. Sewed on cheveron for Cpl Simms - 1Fr. In a talk this morning our gen. said he was very pleased with our work and he had rec. the information that at Army Hdq. we were ranked among the very highest. He says we may garrison Luxemburg by Dec. 1. This afternoon played concert for Col. Rec. orders to be ready to move early in the morning. 6 mos ago we landed in France. Col. said we played a fine concert.
Nov. 25 Mon. got up early. packed up and before noon we were in the billets above Rupt. Raining very good billets here. played retreat. Hdq. Co. now together whole reg. assembled.
Nov 26-Tue. 2 rehearsals today got letters from Mother Nov 1 - Cecil Oct 29 - Maude Oct 24 No 4. sewed on cheveron for Bundy 1 Fr. - 302 band was playing. sounds fine up on this mountain.
Nov 27. Wed. Rec letter from Bertha-Oct 29, wrote to Maude today. and to Bertha. two rehearsals. wrote to Cecil.
Nov 28. Thur today I wrote to mother. had salmon, potatoes, gravy, bread & coffee for our Thanksgiving dinner. rained so we did not play concert. we went down town but came back. Has rained all day.
Nov 29. Fri. 2 rehearsals. Hear we move Sunday. tonite I spent with Curliss - a fellow came in with Beaucoup Champagne. white bread, we made toast & real butter yea gods it was good. Reniewed my 1 & second degrees. Put up will. Tell to play.
Nov. 30. Sewed on stripes for Bug. Lenord Russell 1 Fr. Rec letters Leah Oct 25; guy Nov 7; Thelma Nov 6; Bertha Nov 6; Maude Nov 7; Mother Nov 5; Cecil Nov 6; Pearl Nov 5-6; Mrs. Dodd Nov 6- Stella died of Span. Flu. at Peoria Hospital, where she was nurse, on Nov 4 at 7:15 am. Buried Nov 6. at 10 am. sick 6 days. Had best of care. Had inspection today. issued leather jackets. played concert tonite in Rupt.