 Diary, December 22-28, 1918 Dec 22 Sun. Played for mch. gun co and their cpt took us in caf‚ and ordered up beers for us all. Sewed 2 circles and Stinger & 1 service cheveron - 1 1/2 Fr. 1 for Russell 1 Fr. Had pie tonite.
Dec. 23. Mon Had tub bath & hair cut-shave & feel fine all clean clothes. Visited church here. Very high arched ceiling, [] great gilt altars reach the ceiling, one has the manger. center one the crucifix. gread gallerys for confessions very large & elaborate & expensive. 2 yellow cross I sewed on for Wolf. 1 Fr.
Dec 24 - Tue- Xmas box came today - Contents - 2 lead pencils - pack of chocolate clips - Fleda; Kakai kechief 2 pks gum 1 Bar Hearsey - Bertha; Shoestrings, lifesavers - 1 bar hearseys & tooth paste - Cecil; Colgate comfort kit, box candy - 2 pks gumg, 1 bar hearsy choc - Daddy & mother - Rec letters - Mother Nov. 26, Cecil Nov 28 - Pearl Nov 25. Had a good feed down town. Bonny - Wolf - Robertson & Chief Height back from Luxemburg - was gone a day. Minnie gone to the bad. lost her good name.
Dec 25. ground white this morning very pretty - played guard mt. then played for Xmas dinner. Had big dinner. Menu. Roast Pork, with apple sauce Brown gravy, Roast chicken, with dressing, mashed potatoes, Salad, Coffee, Ice cream, Xmas cake, cigars, cigarettes, Luxemburg Liquor, Tomatos Roast beef - candy & apples. Gave Cpt Burton a fine watch & chain - 550 marks. Rec. letters from mother - Nov 30- Maude Nov 27-Dec 4, Leah Nov 27, Della Nov 27.
Dec 26- guard mt & Bat. parade in morning, in afternoon played concert in Diekirch - Div. Hdq. Came back and Taylor & I took out a couple women from Belgium.(2). People had waited long for us and enjoyed concert very much. Simms was just telling of making a bivy out of german crosses or grave markers. Sewed pouch for Haisch 2 Mark. then spent it. Diekirch beer very good. Churchill gets in a fight at noon - we let them go and he got nose smeared all over his face. hits fellow from rear - smeared again
Dec 27. Fri- Froze playing for transport insp in morning. afternoon, guard mt & Bn. parade & retreat. snow all the time.
Dec. 28. Sat. got laundry. weather bad & we stayed in all day. short rehearsal wrote to Mother, Maude

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