Diary, January 19-25, 1919 Jan 19-Sun. Election (1st) in Germany. Played church 3rd Bn in Schieren. Had picture show in afternoon for the nuts of this assylum. Some Bunch, some crowed & some mewed and everything. For our co in evening were entertained by 123 F.A. band & troop which was good. Best act was Y.M.C.A. act. Simms set up wine.
Jan 20- Mon. organized our Masonic club & secured a room on this floor. Fine reading & writing room. it is free of charge. usual routine. wrote to mother & sent band picture. to Maude & picture of band.
Jan 21 Tue Usual routine. very cold & had concert. Played new music we rec yesterday. wrote to Pearl- & sent pict. of band. feeling perfectly rotten. big crowd in town. horse sale - men all had leather putees & carried canes. saw fight between giant dogs.
Jan 22 Wed usual Routine. Dec Pay 105 Fr. got first chocolate at canteen. big bar -1 fr. Moved to building by mess hall - good place. Wrote to Cecil- sent pct of band.
Jan 23 Thu very cold. usual Routine. Rec letter from Mother Dec 30, Cecil Jan 1, Lee Dec 30
x Jan 24 Fri. usual Routine. all evening spent in our lodge room. finished book Q.D.
Jan 25 Sat inspection this morning. so cold we could hardly play for it. Had G.M. & rehearsed our act in afternoon. Sure winter weather now, ice all over. Saw spike helmet sell for 150 Fr. iron cross 50 F. Bucks Birthday