Diary, January 26-February 1, 1919 Jan 26 Sun. Moved again this morning. Orchestra got in at 3:am mad as a wet hen from playing at Diekirch- The officers imposed on them. gave them no eats, money or transportation back or place to sleep there. not even thanks. Spent afternoon on a high point above city. beautifull view - started snowing - very cold. Have bad cold my self. wrote card to Mary Headly. letter of Miles, sent pct. of band & Col. B. & Vianden.
Jan 27-Mon. rehearsal- Stinger playing foot ball. Haney went back to sigs. This afternoon went to Diekirch for concert. Saw a trial in court this afternoon. The court is expensive. Has judges seat & alter. with a man on each side. on either end another desk & man in charge. Back of judge is a heavy plush (green) drapery. on the front of this is a deep red plush banner with a large bronze crucifix on it. in center of room is desks & the rear is fenced off for civilians. men wear plush hats bound in silver braid, black robes & sashes - black trimmed all precedings being carried on in French. & they appeal to France for higher court (in ermine)
x Jan 28 Tue - Usual routine. Very cold. playing 2nd cornet or 1st trumpet now.
Jan. 29. Wed- took bath & bundled my clothes to be dekootized but boiler went bad. athelatics in afternoon. worked on my ring.
Jan 30. Thur. on hall today. Dekootiezed today also phy. insp. In the courts - center man is president. judges dress like him & sit on either side. the lawyers occupy the desks facing president. Hold up hand & 1 & 2 fingers to be sworn in. lawyers do not wear silver braid on the black hat. Are trying to establish game teams but give us no time off to practice. Drill seems to be indespencable.
Jan. 31. Fri. usual routine. bot Iron Cross wrote to mother & Uncle Alvin, sent pct of Band & castles. Rec letter from mother Dec 18. rehearsed our play. Sherrington & Pace & Mike put in for discharge.
Feb. 1-Sat- No inspection, just parade. off all afternoon. finished my ring.