Diary, February 2-8, 1919 Feb. 2 Sun Nothing doing all day. Rec letter from Mother Jan 3. wrote to Maude. got a large map of France. Noncom's received in[ ] of how to go on board ship. No foreign lan[ ] f[ ]
Feb. 3 Mon- got shoes fixed. Had usual Routine. played Bn parade- nearly froze & had to do the bugling. Cpt. Burton got relieved from service & is going home. Bill for our 6 mon. bonus going thru
Feb. 4. Tue - Rehearsal & GM. Burton left this morning. Kimmell in charge. Played one rotten concert in Diekirch. Saw Moore & talked with him there. got 2 small iron crosses. got pie & ice cream. Suvived today. very cold.
Feb. 5 Wed. Rehearsal & G.M. Finished reading Windsor Castle, by Harrison Ainsworth. got issue of candy. pressed my clothes this evening. Heavy snow. Div. show here for 3 days. sent card home.
Feb 6 Thur- Heavy snow 3 inch. - every thing covered - very beautiful. Much snow fighting - Noncom meeting - Chief wanted to know why the dissention in the band. 130 band came over & rehearsed with us. Some band. Usual Routine. with 1st aid lecture. Packed box - Sent - "Emersons" - "Hypathia" - "Gunten Durward", "French book". map - cap - 24-45 cal shells. Listened in on the wireless.
x Feb. 7. Fri- on hall today. set in for rehearsal is all. Had tail of coat cut out. got new sox. Rec. letters from - mother Jan 13, Cecil Jan 12, wrote to mother. getting colder.
Feb 8 - Sat - Big inspection, and zero too. We got thru quick, but Co. was out 3 hours. some become so cold they fainted & were carried in. afternoon played for foot ball game between 33 Div & 9 army corps of the 5th Div. score 7-0 for 33 Div. Gen Bell & some other big men were there. Sent box today. Saw Div. show tonite, much better than before. They are going to Paris from here. wrote to Cecil.