Diary, February 23-March 1, 1919 x Feb 23-Sun - in bed all day resting. on full diet. feel pretty good. no fever & pulse normal. pain still less.
Feb 24 Mon wrote to Chief. feeling good. sleep well. Finished reading Vol 1 David Copperfield. At 11 am was ordered up. ate mess. went up stairs in convalescent room. comfortable. shaved. This is ward 8. cots & 6 blankets. nice & warm. Wrote to Cecil.
Feb 25. Tue. sent picture I drew and letter to Mother. feel fine. rainy. had cookies & chocolate.
Feb 26 Wed went out this afternoon feel fine. get views - visited the church and town. church is connected to inst. and has a white marble temple in it. church finished in deep toned colors, which blend and create an atmosphere of subdued grandeur. gigantic crucifix.
Feb 27 Thur. feel alright. rainy. go out - visit bridge and old church. took closer look at the white marble tomb in big church. Sent 2 cards to Mary 12 cards to mother. writing a bit.
Feb 28. Fri. Finished my essay. was to be sent to co. this morning but have no underware will have to stay some time. went out today got small hair brush.
Mar. 1 Sat Heard 108 Eng. Band play. Skinner was there. He recognizes me & comes & makes his self know. We spoke of our experiences. Band just organ[ized]. practicing only couple months. Their Baritone is a beauty zayhe. Leader is Gish - cousin of Lillian Gish. I have headache. In germany today. saw 130 amb. co. show. Rose of No Mans land. got underware.