 Diary, March 2-8, 1919 Mar. 2-Sun. went in ambulance to Diekirch & walk[ed] to Ettlebruck. Reported in at 1:00 PM. Sig[ned] clothing slip & rec all my property. Every one glad to see me back. got letters from - Mother Jan 28, Feb 3-9, Maude-Jan 26-Feb 2. Cecil-Feb 9. Arthur Feb 3. Leah Jan 30. Rec pictures of Maude & Leah. Card from Cousin Ivy.
Mar 3. Mon- rehearsed today- feel fine. still confined to quarters. wrote to mother, Maude, Arthur - can get much canteen supplies now. weather like spring. got back pistol.
Mar. 4-Tue got Black leather helmet & steel h. 5 book on Vianden. a gott mit uns - belt - all 75 F. I was released from hospital, feel great. we go on our leave. took bath & have new clothes & hair cut.
Mar 5. Wed Letter from Maude Feb 12, Mrs. Dodd Feb 13. Sent home - Steel helmet, Pruss G. Helmet, 5 book of Vianden - 1 David Copperfield, match box, holster. Ready to leave. wrote to Mother about things I sent home. at 5:30 we left. given candy & cookies. Landed in Merrch. stayed here all nite at an old mill.
x Mar 6 Thur. Left Mersch at 7. In Lux. City at 9. saw tarraced gardens, old ruins, Royal Palace, great RR bridge we crossed. came by way of Esch - Aumetz - thru a tunnell to Briey - Conflans & Mars La Tour. in afternoon - going thru destroyed towns, trenches, wire entanglements & camofledge at Belleville saw a great fort on a high mount - Mirabache, we are by River Mosselle. dark & at Pompey - then thru Nancy & Toul.
Mar. 7 Fri- early this fore noon we landed in Is sur tille. Great supply base. Put in barracks here. Bathed & dekootized. 2nd & 3rd Bn sect going on to Mont[ ]n today. Thru the great yards here. quantities of stock on store here is almost beyond conception, over 100 german locomotives lined up. tractors of every make and size. Rest camp. nice place to sleep. great Machine shop here - all new equipment.
Mar 8-Sat- Visited bakery. Capacity 2 000 000 lbs ready to ship per day. largest in the world - all mechanical. Left here at 9:30 PM- going thru Dijon, Beaune, Chalon, Macon, Villefranchise.

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