Diary, March 23-29, 1919 Mar 23-Sun- slept late - arm sore - sig[ned] pay roll for 2 mos. wrote to - Bertha, Sid. Rec. letters from Mother Mar 3 - Maude - Mar 4 from Chi. wrote cards to Irene. cards to Mother - wrote to Maude, Arthur. practiced some & mopped our floor got new slicker. Sent Bands picture to Arthur.
Mar. 24, Mon: snow almost rain. Played Rev. & our first concert - in afternoon we gave concert to Maj. Thornton, Lieut Saddler & Lieut & Maj. from art who are judging bands in Division. got gold cross for 5 Fr. wrote to Cecil. Todays paper states we are in the 3rd army.
Mar. 25, Tue. 2 rehearsals. Buck, Montie & Chick called up before Capt. Dsbehavior in Nice. Elmers big letter of trip to Lux. all censored out. quite a bit of individual practice today. nice day.
Mar 26 Wed Reh[earsal]. & check. Drew shoes, "shoe polish" Band got 3rd place. English back & I got 3 coins.
Mar 27 Thur. Reh[earsal]. played with Heinies band at Dik. in afternoon. Yank & Lux. fought - good match. Art show. fine. cold & rainy tho. Had coat remodeled. got letters from mother Mar 9 - 12.
Mar. 28. Fri Rained & snowed. 1 reh[earsal]. washed equip. for insp tomorrow. inspections & army crap are becoming almost unedidurable. Bathed. Have been working hard on individual practice.
Mar 29 Sat. Individual insp. my leggings were not reg. & my hair was long. snowed most all day. pract. cornet much. Pat gave me 30 Fr. Non coms got warrants today. Detail left on leave today.