Diary, March 30-April 5, 1919 Mar 30 Sun practiced all forenoon. fixed pictures in diary. bot helmet. snow storm today. wrote to Mother. to day saw Lieut Col Meyers sporting around with our good looking Y. girl. who has made a queer remark.
Mar 31-Mon late for Reveille. Bat Parade with helmets down town. Rec letter from Cecil Mar 6 and a fine little picture of her. Wrote to Cecil. fine today. Got new music from states.
April 1 - Tue fooled the chief. same routine as yesterday.
April 2 Wed Rehearsal today issued New pack, [ ]. afternoon played concert at Nieder Feulen. 2nd Bn Hdq. then at Merzig. also review here for Col. Every one had new pack & Col. said with all his 20 yrs experience he never saw a better & more uniform equipped Bn of men. visited church here. very old one.
Apr 3-Thur short reh[earsal]. & large review & GM. outdo[or] drill field - saw about getting bicycles for Sun. use. Saw picture of Covington sinking in Sunday edition Mar 2. Chi. Tribune.
Apr 4 Fri- No rehearsal - to Dieckirck in trucks in afternoon good concert - in evening Elmer & I walked to Scheren then cross an 80 yr. old bridge. designed by architect who des. the great bridge in Luxemburg. followed river to castle & around that, saw 2 of the royal family. Then returned by main road. Rumors are strong for home.
Apr. 5-Sat. Big inspection of Reg & attached Mach. gun Bn. by Col. & Gen Bell. Col. told us we were in the finest condition of any unit he has ever comman[ded] and hopes we keep up our good record & appear just as well before Gen. Pershing when he ins. us. Finest equiped & most uniform of any Ive seen. Played w. long review & in afternoon played for base ball & foot ball game. all the big boys out.