Diary, April 6-12, 1919 Apr. 6 Sun packed up in morning. got on fast car in afternoon & was in Villerupt by 3 oc. PM. got rooms - Elmer & I in 1 room 2 beds & cleaned up & walked over town. Pat came in at Dark, fine supper. & afterwards made acquaintance of MS. Sgt.
Apr 7. Mon - Did nothing all day, played at theatre at nite, fine
show 313 Eng. Living in prison where civilians were kept during
war. Men & women were put together. and was in a terrible state of
filth. women forced to work for soldiers & in munition plant, but
were exempte if they would give them selves up to the soldier &
sleep with them. on retreat germans took all of value & blowed up
the remainder.
Apr. 8 Tue Reh[earsal]. in morning. concert in afternoon and went
thru great steel plant & noted with the completeness of the
destruction wrought by the germans when they left. concert tonite.
Most complete & systematic distruction possible not a thing of
vital importance left undamaged. 79[ ]4 men show tonite. Best I've
seen. Clever is right.
Apr 9 Wed Reh[earsal]. in morning. visited old plant- & cast iron
surage plant. great concern. Jerry prisoners on reconstruction
work. Dance tonite. sure a sight - one beautiful broad tho, 2 Y
girls & Buck some Jazzer.
Apr 10 Thur Reh[earsal] in morning- cold & a bit rainy. Hair cut. got 2
service stripes. 5 F. Today orders were delivered to 33rd Div.
transferring it from Corps 6 - to SOS general -going into effect
Apr 12. Gen. George Bell Jr. is now com. 6th Corps. Today 33 Div.
inspected by Gen Pershi[ng.] played a bit for Y show. very good =
3 girls & 1 man. Rec. letters from mother Mar. 18 Cecil Mar. 16
Maude Mar 12.
x Apr 11-Fri. nothing doing today. Rainy & I sit around fire -
sent 11 cards to Mother.
Apr 12 Sat Reh[earsal]. in afternoon, working on our book and
dance tonite. nice looking girls out we were served all the cocoa
& donuts we wished very rainy - got 2 verdun medals from Levy 7
Fr. Two years ago this 12. I enlisted. thers have been 2 long