 Diary, April 13-19, 1919 Apr. 13 Sun. rained all morning. left at noon and got in
Ettelbruck about 3:30. Rec. letters from mother Mar 23-26 Maude M.
20 Cecil M-23 Pearl M.21 - wrote to Pearl. gave Elmer 2 Fr. got
cards -
Apr 14 Mon Reh[earsal] in morning. Paid for Feb and March - 223
1/2 Fr. Paid my debt to Pat - 50 Fr. Taylor 10 Fr. Mike 1. Turned
in pistol. Taylor had talk with Gen. King. washed clothes, helmet
painted, turned in pole & pins. getting instruction
Apr 15 Tue- Reh[earsal]. packed box contains "pistol, Stilletto,
Book on France, Dictionary, note book, cards." Bought Stilletto
for 12:50 Fr. Blankets cootized. parade 3rd Bn. in one hard hail
storm & rain. soaked to the hide. Turned in extra pants &
leggings, got new holster.
Apr. 16 Wed Reh[earsal]. Co. instr. not to leave billets from now
on. Saw dentist. bought Bavarian cross - 8 Fr. traded rain coat -
packed can-"coins, paper franks, 2 verdun medals, Hun belt, knife,
Bav. cross, 2 ausie. ornaments, Helmet, US. OPN, 2 snaps &
cordite." Sent it- 150 Fr. other package 7 lbs. 5 Fr. Wise man
told me Hoyt was to see me while I was in Villerupt playing. tough
luck. Letter from Leah Mar 31 turned in holster - clips & pouches.
Nomore drilling & must be ready to move by 22. bought service
stripes - 2 Fr. Min[nie] coat is made & she has a new collar
x Apr 17-Thur Check on clothing slip. issued new putte[es]. played
G.M. & concert. many promotions today. 1st meeting of our club
today Voted Ratin Pres. Greene, V.P. Taylor Sect & historian,
Patrick Tres. Simms Editor.
Apr 18-Fri- Short reh[earsal]. concert in afternoon & retreat
parade of entire Reg. & played them by in massed formation with
bayonets fixed then G.M. Saw Lux. family quarrel Haircut.
Apr 19-Sat- inspection all morning. and rec. letters, Mother Apr
1, Cecil Mar 30, card Arthur 31. concert - big one down town. G.M.
Pat knock over a shave tail & shavey took his name - got
permission to go tommorrow to Reding. wrote to Cecil. saw
Harrison, Senator Doe, Ill.

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