Diary, April 28-May 3, 1919 April 28 Mon. at last the long looked for day has come. got up
early, mopped house. played down to train. gave short concert.
whole town out to give us farewell. today Co's A,B,C & Hdq. loaded
on train and before. noon we pulled out. Thru Lux. Eisch. Brey
Conflorn. Slung hammocks. fine riding. snowing hard.
x April 29. Tue. got up at 10 am, good breakfast. still cold.
10am, passed thru Domriny, Joan D'Arc's birth place. 11 oc - in
Neufehateau, spent half an hour hiking thru the city. Then at 7 PM
at Is Intill - left Dyon at dark
April 30 Wed went thru Nievere this morning then Bourges at noon.
saw a great art dump all kinds of cannon. Saw some old Chateau's &
Cathedrals. crossed the Loire at Niveres. afternoon along R. Chese
Had exercise, many convalescent camps along the way. Supper at
Tours. Hundreds of Jerry Prisoners.
May 1. Thur Rambling along. at Laval at daybreak. Stone fences &
broke[ ] country. At 10 am in Rennes. At 4 am in St Brieuc. large
city but old. Supper at Guincamp, played for frogs here. Every
thing packed. Then we pulled into Brest about 12 oc.
May 2 Fri. unloaded & got mess at Depot. Landed in Pontangen at 3
am. Could hardly believe my eyes instead of a camp of pup tents as
we had 1 year ago There is now a camp, modern, equipped. to
accomidate 60000 men. 2 Divies. Its immense. 32 Div are not all
gone. got to bed at 4 & up again at 10. Dissagreable weather.
May 3. Sat Had med. insp, cootie insp, & bath in 10 minutes. Feed
7000 men in 40 minutes. Saw Capt White. Rainy. changed french for
U.S. money. 32nd Div. leaving - fleet of transports arrived in
last nite. Met a sailor friend of Elmers. In 20 minutes our whole
company was put thru a show down insp. some speed. whole Co. put
on detail, but band. played for officers dance. Letter from Cecil
Apr 21