Diary, May 4-10, 1919 May 4, Sun. Got returned letter to U. Alvin. fine meal today.
played at Y- for Dr Becker of Chicago. His last appearance before
going home. No formation for today. Saw man taken prisoner. Very
nice day.
May 5 Mon Inspection of packs today, Every one perfect. played for
Dinner. met Joyce.
May 6 Tue loaded into trucks early & went to the docks with
instruments. played concert in the great Red +[Cross]
entertainment home. Nice Amex girls - looked wonderful to me.
Reminded us so of home sweet home. They served us coffee & buns &
donuts all day. played for 28th, 33rd Div. casuals and rem. of
32nd Div. They loaded on Cruiser Rhode Island. & Virginia loads
tomorrow. Saw Imperator big German liner just came in a few days
ago. 3 stacker. Wrote to Cecil & Mother. Saw torpedoed freighter
in drydock. 503 [Pio]. colored band played to nite. Leader Lieut
Wheeler a full blooded Indian They are absolutely wonderfull
May 7 Wed gave Minnie bath. played for dinner. Went to Brest in
P.M. visited new church 370 M. high. very large & fine building.
visited old church. Not so fine archi[ ] but alter old grecian
style. Rich in its simplicity. New built in 1870 - old one in
1620. went thru the old forts & walls of defense, down the
promenades, saw froggie cruiser in dry dock. and spent some time
in fort viewing the arbor & surroundings. a wonderful view. Regist
in Masonic Club. took supper at Y - and spent evening at theatre
with a Y lady. American pictures in french. Some beautiful women
x May 8. Thur- Today we packed up and PM moved to area 84 mess No
12 by the Chateau. all tents with iron beds & spr. Organizing a
regimental fraternity. Pushed by Officers. In evening played at
officers Red +[Cross] Club. Had cho. & cig.
May 9 Fri- 66th Brig & 224 Mch. gun. Bn loading this am. on the Mt
Vernon, the ship they came over on. Rainy. Roamed over camp. met
some 89 Div men. issued Red +[Cross] articles & can of candy. buy
fine Apples here. this evening played dance for officers & nurses.
The cheap sports gave us nothing to drink or eat & barely a thank
May 10 Sat today makes our year of foreign service. I got up late
Paid $19.30. wrote to Maude last nite Burned my over coat, got new
one. Straightened my clothes allowence - $6.42. Played till 12 PM.
for the Red Cross girls and officers dance, thanks again & we got
some soup at camp sta. 131 Inf. moved out today.