 Diary, May 25-31, 1919 May 25, Sun Played for church at big Y. Capt Clinch, Lieut
Bloomquist & father Cullery gave short addresses. good dinner,
then went thru cootie Machine. got thru fine. Carsky, & Weis
leaving us today. Beautiful day. Stankus & Jack left. Spent
evening at Y. wrote to Mother on officers treatment. Buck was
shaved for insects.
May 26 Mon got passes at 8, took car to river, crossed Hudson.
then subway to Woollworth Bldg. went to top - 54. then saw flat
iron Bldg, Museum, took open top Buss ride out 5th Ave, & St
Nickolas ave, then back by River side drive & grants tomb, went to
Child's for dinner, then to the Statue of Liberty, thru it & was
there when shot was fired at retreat & colors brot in. Went thru
acquarium & then down Wall Street. crossed 5th Ave & 42nd street,
busiest corner in the world. passed under great Arch, saw Schevaks
home, and in a very old church built in 1600 some time. Went to
churchills cabaret, one of the most popular cabarets in N.Y. Here
from 7 to 8:30, fine supper of 6 courses. & great performance.
then to Winter garden, good show. Out at 11:30, Sgt York was here
tonite & helped a bit with Salvation Army drive. Saw Monte Cristo"
at Wintergarden. over 50 girls & nearly that many men in the Acts.
spent 7 dollars.
May 27 Tue at 1 oc at resurant on way home. In bed at 3 oc. up &
pack insp at 8:30. then to the auditorium. 1st lieut wants us to
reinlist insinuates that the Army is better than our homes. boys
hoot him off the stage. bought a statue of liberty, sent it home &
all my Brest cards, book on france, pcts of 33 div. Leve, &
clippings. Bot a campaign badge & 2 stars, bronz. for our two
major offensives. & Hair cut & Bath.
x May 28 Wed this morning a rehearsal. Lieut Malory gave us good
bye & we played Dixie for him as he left. Rec letter from Pearl
May 20. good long one. [fine] weather but hot. Letter from Mother
May 26. packages received OK.- Played concert & heard chorus of
New Jersey girls at Y No 3 (Rea[d] crossed ocean in NC 4-2150
miles in 26 3/4 hrs. all Amex & 1st to fly across.)
May 29 Thur. We left early to City. saw Palesades Park. Went on
street Washington led his small army during Rev. went to grants
tomb. then to Museum on 5th Ave and 81 st. then to one on 77th st.
east of Park. & ad dinner at Ill. Club on 107 - 34th st. opposite
Armory. went with Jury to Brooklyn - crossed Manhattan bridge,
looked around & came back over Brooklyn bridge. Went to hear the
fine Symphony Orchestra at the Rialto. Had supper at Ill Club then
saw "Up in Mabels Room" [ ]t[ ]nge theatre, 42 St [&] Broadway.
May 30 Fri. Decoration day. No passes. Entire camp essembled on
lawn & Sect. War Baker gave a short talk to the men & officers.
Decorated 2 men, recommended by Gen Petain for Croix De Guerre. We
played some & were excused, our Col. a nut. concert after supper
Sent home Sig. Picture too hot for shows. pack rolled. Read forced
to land in river on way to plymouth Eng.
May. 31, Sat. Up at 5 & breakfast. Cleaned up. Roll call, truck
took band packs & we started at 7 for train - band playing all the
way. Entraining at Cresskill Sta. car same as officers car. & next
to them. 3 per compartment. Soon into NY.; along Delaware River
thru Pasins. Now in N.Y. Stopped & played at Susquehanna. At
Elmira Red Cross fed officers

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