Diary, June 1-7, 1919 x June 1, Sun. In ohio - Very hot, slept well during nite. Stopped
at Marion & played & was served by red+[Cross] Y man giving treats
all the time. Had supper at Huntington. Played short concert. big
crowd out. Passing thru Northern Ind. after dark pulling into Chi.
people Cheering all the way in. Stopped for nite in yards.
June 2 Mon pretty morning. some more sections came in last nite.
Assembled at grant park. There I met Elmer 2 sisters & mother.
fine girls, stayed with them until 11, started parade, all streets
packed & flowers thrown & a perfect din of cheering. all wore iron
hats. Every city band yelled at chief as we passed. We played
almost continually. very tiresome, ate a f[ine] dinner at Sherman
Hotel. Artful skating done by a man & woman - I was next to Ice
center and saw fine. Then went to grant park. met Elmers folks &
talked with them until 2:40. areoplanes & H[ ]oplanes were
circuling over most all the time was miserably hot & granite
paving was hard to march on & play. Entrained at 3 for Aurora -
where we were met by whole city with warmest and most sincere
welcome yet received. These people gave us a well prepared lunch
box full for supper. Hit Camp grant at 7- had phy. inspect. after
carrying packs a couple miles. billeted & then turned in packs.
Made out slips (dinner at Colledge inn
June 3 Tue Turned in instruments & ordinance. Made out my own
discharge papers & many others. worked till 10:30 P.M. made 20
Discharges. Rec letters from Mother June 2 Cecil May 28. Card
June 4 Wed. Still in Grant prison. No food fit for dogs to eat.
guarded & can't go out of billets. phy insp. Quaranteened so
Chicago men can be mustered out first. 108 Eng left this morning.
Perfectly rediculous. did nothing all day but sign discharges &
service records. Brushing up on lodge work. Chief left on 15 day
furlow. card from Amy Taylor.
June 5 Thur Went thru mill this morning. all things were settled
then regards insurance, cloth allowence discharges dated &
clothing issued. Then in afternoon complete physical exam. made
out card for work. got instructions about liberty bonds & rates on
gov. insurance, then a talk on ins, Red+[Cross] & phy. condition
of the army. Bot suit case 1.50 & got hair cut. Everything now
ready to leave quick. Card from Ina Taylor.
June 6, Fri. got up early had eggs for meal. a bit rainy - turned
in blankets. and all ready to move. Started raining but went to
depot where we were discharged, paid & rec. ticket for Danville -
I rec $102.29. went to Rockford then Chi & Mil thru camp - Elgin,
genoa. then Chicago caught 5:40 train down. came with S. Baum &
Mr. & Mrs. Woods. got in at 9:30 met some friends & Cecil was here
at home - then Arthurs came - opened boxes & all was O.K.
June 7. Sat. Home & happy. Never left home untill Nite. Saw Mr. &
Mrs Henke, Stuebe & some others. got to bed late as Arthurs were
here when I & Guy got home. A fine time we had. Sig. Picture came