Letter, March 13, 1918 [Letter on color stationery of the Y.M.C.A. -- "WITH THE COLORS"]
Hope you don't have to pay extra postage on this letter.
March 13 1918
Same Old place -
Dear Mother & father -
Well I rec. your much appreciated letter Sunday morning about
noon. read it on train on way down to Alvin. Got down there and
Aunt had one she had just rec. from you. So while you were not
there, yet you were all the subject. The days are so pretty to get
out for a visit to so pretty a little town as Alvin. Galveston is
awakening a little now - some are going bathing right along now.
You ask me if I ever saw Pearl Smith any more. Well she is nearly
always at Aunts on Sundays and if she is not - then I go out to
her home. Leave at 11 oclock. get all afternoon and night until 11
o.c. Such a relief to drop out of camp to such an enjoyable little
place as Alvin. Relatives there and also a very nice young lady.
and for one afternoon and evening a week - it does one good. A
little pleasure one can look forward to each week - breaks the
monotony of all camp life and all men. gets you back to
civilization - keeps you from forgetting there is such a thing as
society and young ladys - A fellow here almost a year and no
association with young ladys at all - he sure would be all lost
when it came to meeting folks back home again. This is just enough
to keep in touch with what is going on out side and sure is not
taking enough of my time for me to worry over. A great many
fellows here have no relatives - cannot get acquainted with decent
girls - take what they can get - and they go out - spend their
money feeding at restaurants and shows and one thing and another -
but what does that ammount to? I cant see it - so I stay home thru
the week - generally busy - then when Sun. comes - I just forget
camp and Army and every things else gand have a good time. All the
girls in Alvin seem to want to get acquainted with me. And there
are some mighty nice girls here too. Pearl wanted to know
[note at top of following page: (If you get any late pictures of
your self - send me one. Wish I could get more like my big ones.)]
if I wanted an introduction to the ones that were asking about me
- I told her "I did not mind if it wasnt too much trouble and we
did not have to go any out of our way to do it - but I didn't care
to go to any trouble to do so -" Pearl is just as good looking as
any girl in Alvin Ive seen and I know she is as nice a girl as Ive
ever met. she seems to think I'm about alright I guess for she
isn't engaged to the fellow she was engaged to when I met her - I
seem to be her preference so why should I go to any trouble
getting acquainted with more girls when I can be with one like
The name Pearl Smith reminds me quite a bit of Walnut Corner
and the girl Ray went with so long.
Well for weather - today has been awfully hot - but wind
blowing hard - cool wind and carrying unknown quantities of dust,
dirt, gravel, bugs and many other loose objects. Every thing in
our tent - even inside my trunk is completely white with a heavy
coat of dust or dirt which ever. I sure did loose some sweat this
morning fighting dummys and grenade throwing - sweat until I was
almost weak. I hate to think of the coming summer. so I don't
think of it much - I guess we can gradually get used to it.
Ive gained 10 lbs good solid weight - now weigh a strong 143
with summer clothing on.
A grenade instructor just came in showing us one of the real
grenades - also explained the business end of it - they are a
rather simple affair yet pretty effective. killing radius 200 yds.
The thrower has to be in a trench to be safe from his own
grenades. I like to fight the dummys tho. you fight like a demon
and just as hard as if it was all quite real. Every movement is
closely watched so you will make no mistakes and if you do you can
be corrected.
About my office. If the present plan is carried out in battle
- The signal men will very seldom have any use for
[note at top of page: (I wonder if Guy is going to use all his
books on the course he is now taking. Some time you find out and
if he is not - would like to get first couple lessons as the
course appeals to me and I cant afford to take it myself. but if
he needs them for reference don't send them at all.)]
arms of any kind. They are trying to make it so the signal men
will have nothing but pistols to bother with, don't know if it
will go thru or not. We have rifles and bayonets instead of
pistols. We must be efficient tho in all these kinds of defenses.
We are learning them for our defense instead of preparing our
selves so we can make a good offensive. Im glad for all the
training of this kind I can get for if we are ever in real
trenches I want to know how to use every means of defense I can
lay my hands on. May be able to add a few years to my life some
day by knowing these things.
We have a small rifle range close to camp. Have been
practicing some on it. One of our telephone orderlies that was
sitting by a tree the afternoon I was out there - he had been
there an hour or more - giving orders to the men in the pits over
the phone - so he got tired sitting so he stood up and between the
tree and where he was sitting a rattle snake had crawled back in
there and all coiled up. Was a pretty good sized snake - had a
half dozen rattles. I guess it thot that was a nice warm place but
the fellows decided they did not want to fool with him as he was a
little large for a pet - so they killed him and cut off his
rattles. A snake doesnt send that startled feeling thru me it did
before last summer when I got used to handling a snake we had in
quincy. After getting used to the looks and feeling of it the
scare all left.
Last Thursday on a big field drill 2 areoplanes was sailing
around and one had engine trouble and made a landing close to our
company. The other one came down right beside the 1st one - to see
what was the matter with it. They fixed it and went back up -
flying close to the ground for 20 or 30 minutes. That was the
closest I've ever been to one landing, but the one I wrote of
before I was closer to it when it went up than these two the other
day. Jove a mosquito - first one I've seen this year came in just
now - he had a wing spread of about the same size and type of
these areoplanes around here - but his front end wasn't like an
areoplane at all - it just come down to a sharp point. I know for
I killed him and then gave him the once over. fact is he is about
the size of a wasp. only body more slender.
Well I am not yet in the trenches - will be tho I guess in a
very few days now. Probly tomorrow. Some of our platoon has been
out there for almost a week now. They are putting in a better and
more complete system of wiring and telephone service than we had
before. Weather being so hot - it will be a relief to get out
there out of the dust concealed away from sight - down where it is
more likely to be cool than any place I know of down here. We will
probly be in for 8 or 12 days if we go. Our fellows there say it
is much better than drilling in the hot sun. No parades or
formations of any kind.
I have been given charge of all our clothing records and the
last few days I have been spending all my time getting the books
straightened out. Had to get the signature of all our men - Some
at the Base Hospital - Some in trenches - Some on details And the
rest here. Nearly run my legs off yesterday afternoon getting them
to sign up. I got to spend an hour or more with my little broken
legged Sgt. LeBeau while over at the Base Yesterday. He said
"Jove, boy, I came pretty near sending for you - thot you never
was going to get over to see me." He said of course I didn't
expect you on Sunday afternoon - and he wanted to know how I and
my girl in Alvin were getting along - he sure is one of the
jolliest finest little fellows I've ever known - he is anything
but good looking tho. Just down right comical. He is in a fine
ward at the Hospital. No sickness in there - just fellows with
broken limbs. He seems to be the life of the bunch in there just
the same as every place else he goes.
(Say what would you think of a girl that would write me two
letters a week besides seeing me every Sunday - of course some
weeks I only get one letter. I think she is doing her bit in
entertaining me - don't you?)
Well I guess the Old fruit peddler came out alright - I heard
he ate the pies - am not sure if what I heard was correct - he ate
them - only when he was so hungry he couldn't keep from it - It
may be so and it may not.
The only soldiers I know of leaving Camp Logan was the negroe
regiment leaving a few days ago. Maude wrote me about a train load
of soldiers from Camp Logan - but I don't know anything about them
and as for us moving - we are afraid we are going to be kept here
all summer in this hot weather and dust. I sure hope not - even if
we have to go across to get away from it. I sure would like to go
over - I cant come home and staying here is getting awfull
tiresome. Hearing of so much being done over there makes me itch
to be with them doing something too. Some people of very good
authority think we never will leave the U.S. It would not surprise
me in the least if we would not.
You mentioned about Fledas boarder - who is staying with
them. You never told me I am sure - unless I am getting a very
short memory. And also Lee's moving - Where? I have not heard from
Ray yet.
And you ask about my safety razor blades - do you want some?
I don't have any old ones now - for I have a small special
gillette blade strop. You twist a crank and it strops both edges
on one side then turns blade and strop both edges on other side -
alternats every time. It is in a little nickel case - kind o oval
shaped - can hold it tight in one hand and turn crank with other
hand. Makes a new blade better my blade Im now using Ive been
using it over a couple weeks now shaving every day - and such
comfortable shaves - Its a real pleasure to shave when it is done
so quick and easy. So from now on my blades are going to be very
few. for I can have these blades honed - and keep them stroped and
in fine shape for a long time - I have some old ones for my other
razor you can have if you were wanting some.
And what am I going to do with all my stuff - Well I have a
trunk I cant take across with me - so if we go - all I cannot take
I will put in my trunk - big red sweater and all - and send trunk
and stuff home - May send sweater home any time now.
And those policies - it probly will be some time before you
do get them - when you consider that a million and a half will
have to be recorded in Washington D.C. hardly anyone have rec.
their policies - or I mean the folks who they were made out to. So
I guess you will just have to wait as I am doing with the lodge
doings. Seems I never am going to hear from that. Well I have
plenty else to do let alone worrying about that too -
Well I am sorry I wrote like I did in last letter about my
getting back home and how I worded it. I felt bad about it after I
sent it - for I know it did nothing to cheer you up - But some way
or other I was just feeling so blue - I just wrote as I felt. Ill
just tell you. I would not get half so blue some times if I knew
what they were going to let us do. If I knew we were going across
- work would be a pleasure for then I would see the necessity of
it and would be busy prepareing my self - but now you have a
feeling it will be all wasted energy. So you see we are working
hard and nothing in sight - may be all for nothing. it sure
discourages a soldier who wants to be a soldier. And Illinois
seems to think the only real soldiers she has is in Camp Grant -
were no good for anything I guess is the way they look at us - I
sure havent any love for Illinois any more now - any other state
in the Union looks just as good and some a lot better.
But I think the Germans will soon wake up and realize America
has some soldiers in France and that they are no babys, or
anybodys fools either. I'm afraid I have or am getting pretty much
the fighting disposition - for I cant help but want to go over and
experience some of the things the rest of our soldiers over there
are doing.
So you say Viola is back at the Royal. I sure would like to
see Marguerite. Would like to have a chat with Reba once more - I
don't think Reba would find me quite like I was when I left
Danville. I expect she would notice the change in me more than any
one else. We are so near the same age I guess would be the reason.
I know Mr. Snedd[o]n always took such an interest in me. While he
would not find me unusually smart yet I think he would find me
with a reasonable ammount of common horse sense and that does
about as much good as any thing else and I've found it gets me
just as much here. Advancements here are nothing more or less than
a pull any way.
Jove I would like to go to class with you and meet all the
friends again - Sr. Houghton & Sr. Fulton & Mr. Fulton too - Sr.
Loff and Mary Sneddom and Lanhams. And those I am not so so well
acquainted with. There are lots of people I would like to see -
Probly would do me no special good - but I feel it would tho.
Maybe I can get a furlough and come home and work on a farm this
summer if you could find me a place - if such a thing is made
possible as they say it might. Well mother - all you told me about
the Friends was all news to me - but really was not very surprised
to hear it. For if you are not extremly patriotic now - you are
taken for a German sympathizer. Of course we have been expecting
this all along, but that doesn't seem to help so awfully much -
now it has really come to the place where you are actualy
realizing some of the things - It made me turn kind 'o weak when I
read what you wrote. And with all things considered would I be
much better off at home than here? I would eat you out of house
and home - I eat any way twice as much if not more than I ever did
at home. Well mother dear I am going to have to quit or you will
wonder if I am writing a history - or something. Don't know just
how soon I will get to write again - and aint said all I could by
a long shot - Write soon - with all kinds of love for my pop & mom
I am your
Paul B.