Letter, March 22, 1918 March 22 - 1918
Same Old place
Dear mother - I rec. your long letter this morning. Sure was
so glad to get it. I am just now getting able to write. I tore a
hole in my hand - between thumb and first finger of right hand -
it was 3/4 of an inch deep and you could stick a lead pencil in
it. Done in bayonet fighting. The fellow I was instructing at the
time did not do as I told him so I was the one who caught it. I
went right to hospital and they swabbed it out with iodine. Maybe
you think that didn't raise my hair. Well it was done the morning
after I wrote the long letter to you. It is almost well now - but
have a bandage to keep my hand clean so it is bunglesome to write.
We did not go to trenches when we expected - but went last Mon.
night. We are out there now - I have come in to camp this morning
to write - my shift is 5 oc. in the evening to 1 oc. at night. the
rest of the time I sleep or write or something else. Last night I
was excused so I could go and take the first of the work in
Masonry - and I am so glad Ive started it. Sure is wonderful, far
more, and finer than I ever imagined it could be. And we are being
permitted to progress with the work as fast as we Illinois boys
can learn it as we do not know how long we are to be here and they
are anxious that we have it as we are now started on it. It is
without doubt the largest undertaking I've ever made and means the
most I'm sure.
About the suit mother - go ahead and sell it if you can and
use the money as you like best for you are sure welcome to all you
can get out of the suit. Was surprised to hear of Harrold King
making such good wages. Sure made me feel good to know that he
could do it, only am sorry he is not putting a little more to
aside for he has a chance for something if he could only see it in
time - A person just cant realize anything until the opportunity
comes and you are not prepared for it - and what then hurts - is
to think - (I could have been prepared if I had only done it.) But
again some people can't see life in that way and its probly a good
thing we are not all alike.
Well mother this war is taking funny turns. At present I have
an idea there will be no furlows granted for the farm boys - and
again I heard it was just for those that were taken from the farms
- so I realy dont know or have the least idea what it will be. I
am not looking for a chance to get home soon that is certain in my
mind, and am so sorry I caused you to have hopes on such an
improbible foundation.
The penants you can take down - brush the dust off and stick
them away with some moth balls or any thing that will keep the
moth out for they are sure fond of penants.
The papering I would - leave the wall paper on both the
kitchen and my room and paper the sitting room - and if I were
doing it - the sitting room would be papered with a very good
grade of paper - as it always looks finer and is cheaper in the
long run I am sure. A rug in the sitting room I would think would
add a hundred percent to the appearance of the room. Jove I sure
would enjoy being there and helping make our little home more
pleasant and comfortable - makes a fellow feel kindo like he was a
joke - living down here in the dust and dirt - underground - in
holes and tents - (most any place) and all the time have such a
nice comfortable home if only allowed to go to it. War looks so
foolish when a person just stops to consider what it all means.
Civilization really is not making much progress after all.
Well you can hardly know how much good it does one to know
that people do remember you in the way you write me. That alone is
worth more than the effort it takes let alone all the other good
that comes from it. And to know the friends at class are
interested enough in me to appreciate it the way you say makes one
feel like trying all the harder for life holds much more than just
pleasure. Some people have a queer idea of what real enjoyment is.
I think the ability to accomplish something really worth while
would be about the keenest pleasure a man could realize. And if I
can live that I may make my life usefull - When you come to the
end of your journey here (which may be soon for some of us) you
can have - I would think - a feeling of satisfaction nothing else
could give. And if I can accomplish this - there is only one to
get the real credit for it and that is the one who brought me into
this world and taught me my first lessons of what right and wrong
is. By Jove, mom, if it wasn't for what you've taught me - I would
not be today even what little good I am - for I find I have
inclinations too much to the reverse and some times a fellow has
to take a pretty good hold on himself and work pretty hard to keep
from lowering in your own estimation. But it sure is worth the
effort to live a clean life. You can realize it more every day -
Now I know and can see why,- but earlier in life when I could not
see it - I did so because you taught me so - that is why I give
you the credit - now it is possible for me to continue because the
start was made right. So if you appreciate what I am doing now -
don't you imagine I appreciate just as much what you have done for
Mother it sure hurts to think the government takes the
attitude toward you as they do. (I used you - meaning the faith).
When I know what your life has been since I can remember. No
government is perfect - because run by imperfect people - and the
bible makes it plain that this is to happen - and when I was just
a kid how we used to discuss things that are right now happening -
when every thing then looked so peacefull - and it all seemed so
impossible at that time. I guess the scripture are full filling
very fast now days.
Well I was rather surprised when you said you read my other
letter to the class, I did think it a bit personal to do that with
it - but I can't help writing as I feel for that is the only way
we have visiting - but it seems queer my letters have such a
circulation. Sometimes I think Id better watch what I say - but
first thing I know I forget all about it and go right ahead
writing in the same old way.
Maude just wrote a few days ago - got her letter today too.
She said - "You would be surprised how many friends you have and
how many ask me about you." No - mother I am not letting Maude
down - nor am I going to. I don't tell her about going with any
one for it is not nessessary as we are not engaged. I don't
consider an engagement ammounting to much anyway for a girl can
break one without any trouble at all and if she thinks enough of
you she is going to stick by you if engaged or not. I've gone with
a number of girls in Quincy - and with the one down here and out
of the whole bunch of them I can tell you honestly Maude is the
only real one of the bunch - Of course I don't know what she is
doing - I've told her to go with other fellows and see if she
woulden't think just as much of them as she does me. I don't know
only from what she writes that she hasn't had any luck so far. And
as for me ever marrying I guess I would not hesitate a second who
it would be. I have been going with others to see if I really did
think quite a bit of Maude or just thot I did. Have come to the
conclusion I think more of her than I had an idea I would. I've
gone with prettier girls who are not half the real company she is
and I guess surface beauty don't ammount to much any way for so
often that is all a pretty girl possesses any way. As a rule they
like too many fellows - I may be a little old fashioned in my
ideas and no doubt am, and I may also have a queer idea of many
things - but I stick to my ideas until I see or have proof they
are wrong then its time to change your mind and accept what you
feel to be the most correct.
As for having the company of decent girls - its the only real
enjoyment after all - those that have "hit the ball" hard will
tell you so, and I figure - whats the use spending any of my time
with a class of people or girls Id not want to introduce to my
mother and entertain in my own home. That class also destroys a
fellows mind for bigger things in life.
I sure was glad to hear of Mary Lopp doing so well - I sure
think a world of that girl and hope she gets the best possible for
No mother I have not turned over my map as new officers are
coming and going all the time and it would not be appreciated in
the least by the present captain and colonel so I am keeping it
for such time when it may show what I can do to those that are
really interested in something of this kind. It would be a loss to
me now to turn it over to those in command. If I have to send my
trunk home soon I dont know but I will send it home for the
My little broken legged sgt. is on crutches now and is going
home on a 60 day furlow to rest up and be among home folks while
he is unable to be of service here. I sure am glad he gets to go -
for time sure would drag here for him.
From 12 oc. until 2 it has kept up a steady down pour of
rain. going to be rather uncomfortable for me tonite out in that
shell hole where my post is. The street here in camp is standing
under a couple inches of water. The ground is so level.
A Lieutenant Burton of our company took his first work at the
Masonic Hall last nite as I did. also a member of the band. 3
fellows from this company. You'll never know how glad I am that
I've been given the opportunity for this work. I guess I am pretty
much of this world and there is nothing that will mean more to me
that this while on earth. I mean of lodge & things of this nature.
Well write when you can - I sure enjoyed your long letter - told
me so much I am interested in - Your most loving son.
Paul B.